I will always love you, always

409 13 2

"HELP!" I screamed, I was lodged between two boulders that can falling from the sky.

'It all happened so fast...'

I couldn't think straight.
"The Titans, the huge Titan, the biggest one of them all. The 60meter titan. 'I-it went over the wall' I thought for a moment.

'I'm going to die here aren't I?'
'No no no, someone is going to save me ' 'I'll be okay!'

A shadow covers me, too big to be humans, I looked up terrified. I screamed.
I thrashed as the humanoid monster graves me , bring me to its gigantic mouth. All of my senses were overtaken by fear, I screamed for help, but no avail and then I knew

'I'm going to die here'

Finally I accepted my fate and layed limp in the monsters hand. My life flashed before my eyes

'ha all of those good memories...'

I turned my head to the side, seeing my beloved Eren, screaming my name running towards me.

"I will always love you Eren "


It was short and sucky but who cares another story out!

Eren X reader I Will Always Love You (ONESHOT)Where stories live. Discover now