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*5 years ago*
Live auditions are today and I'm shitting my pants. I've practiced my song so many times I'm surprised I still have a voice.

My aunt and I arrived at the X factor building and got signed in. We went into the building and had small conversations here and there about whatever we could bring up. We don't have much in common so our conversations are a bit forced. "I'm gonna go walk around." I stood up stead away from the awkwardness.

I'm not really the loud type. I like to sit back watch people observe them and see how they act. It's quite weird I suppose but I enjoy doing it.

As I was walking about I was slightly shoved. I turned to see what happened and I see Gemma standing from afar giggling at something in front of me. I look down and see Harry on the floor.
"Whatcha doin'?" I asked.

"I... Well you see..." He took a deep breathe "I came to see if you'd want to comes and sit with Gem and I. You know... If you're into that."

"Did you just ask me if I'm into sitting?" I raised my eyebrow. Looking over his shoulder and see Gemma clutching her stomach from laughter.

"I suppose I did"

"You are one odd child, Harry Styles"
Gemma, Harry, and I started walking to an area to sit and talk. "Odd is good right? Girls like odd?" He asked.

"Some do."

"Do you ?" He looks at me side ways with his eyebrows furrowed.

I cocked one eyebrow, "Boy, you crazy." I laughed.

"What? It was a legit question." I hummed and continued walking.

"Christyn?!"... "Christyn Lewis?!" My name was shouted over and over again by a man with a clipboard.

"Yes, I'm here." I shot up from my seat and grabbed my aunties hand. We walked over and stood in front of the man. He looked up from his clipboard and motioned for me to follow. I knew it was time for my audition. The thought alone made me want to throw up. I've sang in front of people many times before, but they weren't determining my future.

He walk into a hallway and stand behind a curtain. "Warm-up. You go on in 5 minutes. Don't be nervous I'm sure you'll do fine." He had a pointed look on his face while saying this so he wasn't very convincing. He walked out and left my aunt and I alone.

I started to warm up and my voice was shaking so much from being so anxious. My aunt seemed to notice and she grabbed my arms. "Sweetie, even though your faith isn't strong can I pray for you and try to ease your mind?"

"Sure Tee" I bowed my head respectfully.

"Dear Heavenly Father, watch over this child and she prepared to take this stage. Give her strength and courage like Ruth. Help her be bold. In Jesus name," she fiercely shook my hands, "Amen."

"Amen." I gave her a big hug "thank you for believing in my dreams auntie."

"Christyn?" A voice called, "It's time to go on." I turned and follow the man with my auntie holding onto me tightly.

We walked to the spot right before the stage and we see Dermot O'Leary. He gives my aunt and I hugs and said some encouraging words that I didn't really pay attention to because I was so focused.

They cued the music and handed me a microphone. Once I got on stage I was blinded my the lights. "Hello" Simon says.

With as much enthusiasm as I could muster up I spoke "Hi." Waving to the crowding.

"And, what is your name?" He askes

"Christyn Lewis"

"Tell us a bit about yourself Christyn."

"Umm... I'm sixteen years olds." The audience starts cheering and clapping. I never understood why they got so happy over hearing someone's age, but I smiled anyways and continued. "I live in Wilmslow, but I'm from Utah over in the States." The audience cheered some more.

"And you can all the way over here to audition?" Simon asked with a shocked expression.

I laughed "No I just moved here with my aunt."

"Well alright. Enough talking now. What are you going to sing for us?"

"I'm going to sing Long Walk by Jill Scott." Simon nodded his head as the music for the song began playing.

"You're here, I'm pleased
I really dig your company
Your style, your smile, your peace mentality
Lord, have mercy on me
I was blind, now I can see
What a king's supposed to be
Baby I feel free, come on and go with me
Let's take a long walk around the park after dark
Find a spot for us to spark
Conversation, verbal elation, stimulation
Share our situations, temptations, education, relaxations
Elevations, maybe we can talk about Surah 31:18" I continue singing I can here the positive response from the crowd and the judges faves looked shocked. I'm hoping it's a good shock.
"Or maybe we can see a movie
Or maybe we can see a play on Saturday
Or maybe we can roll a tree and feel the breeze and listen to a symphony
Or maybe chill and just be, or maybe
Maybe we can take a cruise and listen to the Roots or maybe eat some passion fruit
Or maybe cry to the blues
Or maybe we could just be silent
Come on, Come on" I build up my voice so the last verse can be as powerful as it can be. "Let's take a long walk around the park after dark
Find a spot for us to spark
Conversation, verbal elation, stimulation
Share our situations, temptations, education, relaxations
Elevations, maybe we can talk about Psalms in entirety
Come on, come on" I take a well deserved breathe and as I come fully over of focus I can hear the audience going wild and Simon is on his feet clapping.

"For a sixteen year old your voice is just so strong and powerful. I honestly think you could win this... You are by far my favorite that we've seen." Simon says "Louis?"

"Your voice is so raw and real and I think that's what this industry needs nowadays." He nods his head. "So shall we vote?" Everyone one nods "well from me Christyn it's a yes" Louis looks over "Nicole?"


"Well it's a big, massive, gigantic yes for me Christyn." After I actually realized that everyone one of them said yes tear started to build up in my eyes.

"Oh my God, thank you so much Thai means everything." I ran off the stage to where my aunt was and gave her a huge hug. We were both laughing and crying.

This is unbelievable I can't believe I'm going to the next round. We walked out from where we were and all around the people that were watching in the waiting area started clapping for me. I was tapped on the shoulder. "You were amazing. I can't believe such a tiny body has such a big voice."

"Well thank you Harry that was very nice." He smiled

"You're very wel-"

"Harry Styles?!" The man who can to get me was yelling

"I guess that's my cue I'll see you in a bit." He smirked and walked towards the man with his family behind him.

Fuck me y'all I'm sorry for the long wait

But yeah if you want to see cute Hazza audition I've blessed you.

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