Chapter 3 - The scorch

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Thomas' P.O.V

It was miles away but still there could be no way that the scorch was this close. How would no one think to swim across? Maybe no one lived in the mountains. No one sane enough anyway. The word same triggered a fire inside my stomach. Newt. Before I could even gather my thoughts Minho spoke breaking the silence.

"Wow. What do you say to that?"

"I ... Uh... I don't know."

"The scorch is only over the sea? How is this place a safe have?"

"Maybe no one lives in that part."

"Hmmm it just feels weird you know, maybe this place ain't as safe as it seems."

"Well at least it's a home ." I was sick of Minho's negativity however I felt too suspicious.

"Whatever ,if cranks start attacking this place I'll let the right arm handle it." He smirked. It brought a sense of home with it .

"You sure you don't miss kicking someone's head in. "I forced a smile.

"Yeah ,but not those things. Ugh Cranks! Just the thought of them makes me feel sick."

His words stabbed me in the heart ,Newt. Again I couldn't get him out of my head. The fact that he was one of 'those things' as Minho called them, hit me. I looked to my feet trying to hide my expression but I knew Minho knew what I was thinking.

"I uh ...I didn't mean..."

"I know." I didn't mean to sound so aggressive but it just came out like that.

"We should go." He squeezed my shoulder.

"Yeah."I picked up some broken branches and we headed home.

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