Chapter 8: The Dux Ducis is Revealed

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Chapter 8:

The Dux Ducis is Revealed

          Stella and I went our separate ways once we entered the doors. I figured that she had enough friends and knew the school well enough now that I don’t have to be with her all the time. And, as I said, we went our own way, which for me was to go to my Latin class. Yippee. (Just thought I ought to tell you that that was major sarcasm there.)

          Our teacher hadn’t given us any new assignments for the day so I ended up thinking about, well, you know, all the strange happenings. I also started doodling on a piece of paper. When I realized I had drawn a brain and a bunch of question marks, I decided to ask to go to the bathroom.

          It was time for some sleuthing.

          I’m walking down the halls normally, as if I’m not up to something. Because obviously if I do walk like that, someone is gonna notice and be suspicious. (Duh!) So again, here I am walking completely normal when I hear an argument. And it’s not just some troublemaker student talking back to a teacher about getting caught texting. No, this was coming from the Principal’s office, and there was no troublemaker-talk-back-trying-to-act-all-tough- student in there. It was all teachers.

          This is what I was looking for. So I stop walking and stand close to the open door. I peak in and see them. The principal was behind his desk. He was a menacing man, large build, strong jaw, prominent cheekbones, dark brown, short cropped hair. He sat, hands folded, staring sternly at the other teachers who all sat cowering in their chairs- or for those who stood, cowering against the wall.

          I hadn’t heard the beginning of the conversation but as I listened more I could make a pretty good guess.

          “But sir, I really don’t see why we must do this!” protested a woman who I recognized to be a 4th grade teacher. 

          “You very well know why, Sherry, as I have told you,” Principal Godfrey said, directing his callous gaze at her.

          “It’s just so cruel and unnecessary. Completely barbaric,” Stated a second grade teacher. “I refuse to take part in any of this! How can you do this? To children!” he continued.

          “You will do as I say Robert! You know the consequences if you don’t.” Godfrey said darkly. Robert’s face pales as he leaned back in his chair. “Are you sure you want that to happen, Robert?”

          Robert didn’t answer; he just averted his gaze, unable to look directly at the megalomaniac. It seemed that many of those who taught 4th grade and under were against this plan. They all shifted uncomfortably in their chairs, or they shuffled their feet in unease. Those who taught 5th grade and up seemed to be agreeing with the wanna-be-god.

          “We will expedite our process beginning next week. You all may go,” concluded the principal.

          As I heard everyone begin to leave I realized I would have to move or be discovered. So I darted down the hall, turned a corner and dove in a little recess area under a set of stairs that is hardly ever used. I waited for any teachers to pass by, and then checked to make sure the hall was clear. When I saw that it was, I heaved a great sigh and leaned back against the wall.

          My head bumped something, and as I raised my hand to my sore head, I turned to inspect the wall. After a few moments of my eyes adjusting to the light, I found a minute crack. On one side of the crack, the wall jutted out just enough to allow it to be noticed, or say injure a head. I studied the crack a little more and discovered that it formed a rectangular shape on the wall. It began at the floor, went up a few feet, turned right and went back down to meet the floor again. There was something nagging me in the back of my mind, but I couldn’t quite get it. I studied the strange crack a little more; it reminded me of something, a movie I once saw. The crack looked a little like a-

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