Chapter Six

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Warm.That's exactly how I felt waking up.It wasn't an overwhelming heat but one that made me comfortable.So comfortable that it took awhile to realize that I wasn't in my own bed and my pillows didn't miraculously grow arms.In a hurry to get myself out of the bed I ended up falling straight on my ass and ended up kicking the other person off the other side as well.

"Vai se foder!!..what the hell was that for?"a rather familiar voice asked from the other side of the bed.


"No it's freaking Santa Claus." he sarcastically replied before he rose to his feet."You know if you wanted me to wake up you didn't have to kick my ass of the bed Risella." he deadpanned.

"Desculpe,I woke up kinda confused." I muttered as I too stood up.I didn't mean to kick him out his own bed.I didn't look up at him as I kept my eyes fixed on the hem of my shirt.Nervous is an understatement of what I'm feeling.I'd never slept in a guys bed before-well except for Jai and dad but they're family so it doesn't count- point is I've never done it before.

It wasn't the only thing that made me nervous,no it was the fact that I enjoyed it.The fact that it was possibly the best and most sleep I'd gotten since my father died but I wasn't about to let him know that.The boy's ego is already big as is,I don't need to go adding on to that.

Before we could say anything,my stomach decided to make an appearance and embarrass me by sounding like a dying whale.Neymar chuckled before he took a hold of my hand and dragged me out the room behind him,down the stairs and to the kitchen,only to stop halfway.Neymar being taller than I was blocked my view of whatever caught his attention but I could hear someone singing very off-key to Anitta's Na Batida.Neymar turned to me with his finger held up over his lips,his 'Shhh' tattoo on display as he pulled his phone out his pocket and turned back around.

E depois que começar,Não se arrepende
E depois que me atiçar,Não adianta mais!
Quando me atiçar,Não adianta mais!
Quando eu me mexer,Vai ver quem vai perder

E depois que começar,Não se arrependeE depois que me atiçar,Não adianta mais!Quando me atiçar,Não adianta mais!Quando eu me mexer,Vai ver quem vai perder

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The person belted out and from the sounds of it they seemed to be dancing as well,if Neymar's shaking body said anything.

It didn't take long for him to blow his cover as he hunched over with both hands on his knees laughing loudly like a hyena.

A loud girlish scream was heard and the sound of metal hitting the floor resonated throughout the kitchen.

"Bro.. What the fuck?"

"Y-you should...should have seen yourself..."Neymar spoke still laughing loudly." time you wanna be a stripper please leave my kitchen out of it."

"Haha you're so funny and the next time you want to sneak in a one night stand,make sure you're a bit more quiet."

One night stand? I did not sleep with him.Slowly Neymar stepped aside making my presence known to the person standing in front of me.Gil Ferreira.He and Neymar had been friends even back then.There was an entire group of them but I didn't know them.

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