26: XO / The Host

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Chapter Twenty-Six: XO / The Host

Henny, blunts and girls were being passed around like it's nothing. One thing I loved about Montreal is that they took partying to an extreme. Obviously, I had to take advantage of this.

 Obviously, I had to take advantage of this

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Diana was sitting on my lap at the club. Shit had escalated real fast between us over the past few weeks. She seemed cool and I was down for it. Besides, she had a man so that was basically guaranteeing that she couldn't fall too hard for me.

I sat back and slowly sipped on my Hennessy while Diana grinded on me to the beat of the music. Mila was back at out lavish hotel suite so I had no worries. At least not for the moment. The past few weeks have been hella quiet, Amara just dropped off the scene, like she knew we were on her trail.

I feel Diana's phone vibrate through her shorts and I tap her leg to get her attention. A man's face pops up on her screen and in the picture he's holding a little girl- the same one I recognise to be her daughter. She quickly locks the screen as if I haven't already seen.

I grab her wrist and talk right into her ear.

"Something came up?"

"Yeah baby. I'm gonna have to take a rain check." She says, smiling at me and grabbing her bag. And with that, she was gone.

Getting to leave as well, I stand up. But a face catches my eye. The kinda girl niggas like me like to play with.

She looks a mess

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She looks a mess. Young, impressionable. Black eye make-up smudged every where. Ripped black dress.

i've found her. 15mins, usual spot.

I walk straight up to her, already knowing how this was going to go down.

"What happened to you, you lost or some?" I say while grabbing a bottle of Patron off the bar.

"Um, sort of." She says shyly as she tucks her messy blonde hair behind her ear. "I lost my wallet. I got no way to get home."

"That sucks," I reply. I already knew how this conversation was going to end. I've been through this a million times before, its like second nature to me now. "What's your name?"

"I'm Sky."

"You wanna sit with us?" I say pointing back to where the boys were sitting. She nods.

I make my way back to the section, making sure to bring Sky with me. The goal was to get her drunk. Once we sit down, she immediately starts downing the bottle of Hennessy. Once she come back up for air, she practically stole Hyghly's coke from his hand and inhaled it. He rolled his eyes and sat back. He was drunk, but quiet drunk.

"You normally go this hard?"

She looks up for a while before replying, "No, but I'm already drunk. Might as well get as drunk as I can now and sober up before my dad find out." Her head goes back down onto the table to snort another line.

"Exactly how old are you?" I ask.


We chill for a little until she seems a little out of it. Then, I decide it's the perfect time to leave the club. The party was dying anyways.

I head out first with Sky. We go out into the parking lot and my tinted car is already waiting there for me, near the back entrance to the club. She can barely walk a straight line and holds me for support as she climbs into the car. Her little black dress has ridden all the way up. No way she's nineteen.

We sit in the car and she has her head on my shoulder as we wait for my boys to come out of the club. We already know she's gonna be the one for tonight.

Minutes later, they all come flocking out of the club. Lamar, Hawk, Hyghly and Henny came pouring into the club, loud and stinking of weed. Henny gets behind the wheel even though he should and Lamar sits in the passenger seat.

"This the girl?" He asks, raising his eyebrow.

"Yeah nigga."

"You sure she's the right one? You think she can handle us?"

"You see how much shit she was snorting in the club? If she can handle that she can handle us. What we waiting for Henny?"

Sky's eyes were closed but she was still conscious, I could hear her groan every once in a while. The car started and he drove to my place.



"Baby can we make a video?" I ask him. His eyes practically light up at this.

I've been here for almost an hour, fake-drunk off my ass. There's about four other men in the next room. I know Abel's gonna try and get them to run a train on me. Amara told me all about this part.

After five whole months, her plan-which I was a major par of- was working. A little too well if you asked me. I was the trap. I was the one who was gonna get under his skin and make him forget the real reason why he was even in Montreal. If I'm honest, I was sceptical at first. I didn't think one person could be so stupid.

"Of course." He slides closer to me on the bed. I didn't even see him pick up the camera. Damn he's eager. "I just can't show my face , you understand, right?"

I nod.

"My hairs a mess though," I say, pointing at the topknot. "And my eyes look red as fuck."

"That's when you look the best. Here, drink some of this, you'll relax." He says, passing me the Bacardi bottle. "I'll be right back."

He leaves his bedroom and I quickly grab the bottle and pour some into another cup, hiding it underneath the bed. I hear cheers coming from the living room and someone telling the rest to shut up, but I've already heard. He's probably told them I'm down.

I hear his footsteps come back to the room so I lay down on the bed, acting way drunker than I am.

Abel passes me a lit blunt and I smoke it. "Sky?" He asks.

"Mm hmm?" I ask, as if I havent been preparing for this moment for months.

"I need something from you. You say you want me right?"

"Yes baby." He looks visibly annoyed at me calling me baby. I did it on purpose, another thing Amara said would get under his skin.

He sits on the bed and says the three words I'e been waiting to hear all night.

"Meet my boys."

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