The Elaborate Apology

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The next morning, I woke up to the sound of a guitar playing. I smirked without opening my eyes. Then, someone started to sing, "When your legs don't work like they used to before, and I can't sweep you off of your feet, will your mouth still remember the taste of my love?" I opened my eyes to see Liam at the side of my bed with his guitar. I rolled my eyes, got up, and started to walk toward my dresser to get my clothes for the day. Liam followed me. "Will your eyes still smile from your cheeks?" he sang in my ear. Then, I heard a knock at the door, and went to open it. Sure enough, it was Ricky and Emery.

"And darling I will be lovin' you 'til we're 70. And, baby, my heart could still fall as hard at 23," Ricky sang.

"And I'm thinking 'bout how people fall in love in mysterious ways. Maybe just the touch of a hand," Liam sang as he reached for my hand. I nervously bit my lip and pulled back.

"Well, me-- I fall in love with you every single day. And I just wanna tell you I am," Emery sang.

"So, honey, now. Take me into your lovin' arms. Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars. Place your hand on my beatin' heart. I'm thinking out loud. Maybe we found love right where we are," Liam sang. "Baby, we found love right...where...we are..."

I covered my head tightly with my pillow. I heard Liam sigh and walk out of the room. Then, the other boys followed. Then, I heard the boys' door slam. I heard Liam start sobbing. "What did I do? She won't even look at me!"

"Calm down, dude," Emery tried to say.

"Calm down? How can you expect me to calm down when I probably just wasted my chances with Jasmine because I was acting like an overprotective jerk?" I heard Liam cry.

I sat up. I bit my lip. Then, I looked at the clock. It was almost time to meet up with Midnight Red for the concert tonight. I told the boys. Then, they all got ready and headed downstairs. As we went downstairs, I stayed behind.

Liam turned back to me. "You're not coming?"

"Go on...I'll be fine..." I said, looking down at the floor.

" you," Liam said as he came over to me and kissed my forehead. I gave him a slight smile in response. I watched the boys get into the car. Before they drove off, though, Liam looked at me through the window. I noticed his face was still sad. I almost felt bad. Then, I remembered what had happened. I shook my head as I turned and walked back to the hotel room.

A COUPLE DAYS LATER (Our One Year Anniversary)

For the next couple days, Liam and I stay silent next to each other. Then, one afternoon, after not seeing Liam for the whole day, my phone buzzes in my backpocket.

You-know-who: Hey, can you come out for a sec? I've got something I wanna show you...

Sweet Little Something (Me): Why...?

You-know-who: Just come outside, Jazz...plz...

Sweet Little Something: Fine...I'll be down in a sec...

I walked down the steps to the front of the hotel. As I walked, I heard the sound of a drum beating. Then, I heard the sound of a guitar. As the elevator got to the third floor, I heard Liam start to sing slowly, "I don't like the way he's lookin' at you. I'm startin' to think you want him, too. Am I crazy, have I lost ya? Even though I know you love me, can't help it. I turn my chin music up and I'm puffin' my chest. I'm gettin' red in the face. You can call me obsessed. It's not your fault that they hover. I mean no disrespect. It's my right to be hellish. I still get jealous." Then, I got downstairs, I saw Liam look at me and smile slightly. "'Cause you're too sexy, beautiful. And everybody wants a taste. That's why. I still get jealous. I wish you didn't have to post it out. I wish you'd save a little bit just for me. Protective or possessive, yeah. Call it passive or aggressive. I turn my chin music up and I'm puffin' my chest. I'm gettin' red in the face. You can call me obsessed. It's not your fault that they hover. I mean no disrespect. It's my right to be hellish. I still get jealous."

I bit my lip. Liam looked like he was almost about to cry. Then, he held out his hand. I held it. Then, he led me outside, and (since there was a private beach behind the hotel) we walked on the beach for a while. We laughed and talked it out. Then, he led me to a picnic blanket that was set up on the beach. Tears started to come out of my eyes. Liam came up and hugged me from behind. Then, he kissed my cheek. He sat down and pulled me toward him. I sat next to him and put my head on his shoulder. Then, we saw that fireworks started going off. After a couple had been set off, some specific purple fireworks caught my eye. They spelled out, "Jazzy, ILYSM...forgive me, plz?"

I looked down at the floor. Then, I gave Liam a side glance. He closed his eyes and crossed his fingers. I laughed. I wrapped my hands around his neck and gave him a kiss. A long, passionate, "I forgive you" kiss.

" that a yes?" he asked as he raised an eyebrow. I pulled him by the collar of his shirt and gave him a more passionate kiss than before. "Oh, that's definitely a yes..." he said. Then, he chuckled as he pulled us both down onto the picnic blanket. To say the least, we kissed for about an hour. Then, when we'd both had enough, we went back to the hotel and went to bed.

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