stupid senpai

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<------------follow me for kokona to 'commit suicide'

hello new people of the patato realm I really hope you'll like the story


heartbroken is not a word in ayato's dictionary but is one In (y/n) dictionary since at once she was but her best friend was always there right beside her since the first grade.

in all honesty (y/n) was ayato's first friend since everyone was afraid of the monochrome boy but as soon life became brighter when (y/n)     walked onto the scene and brought a rainbow of new opportunities with her.

but like I said earlier heartbroken was not a word in ayato's dictionary he simply got caught stalking senpai and it was almost the end of him.

I mean like come on if you got caught stalking a person you like and get yelled at for stalking them wouldn't you feel heartbroken but heartbroken is NOT A WORD IN ayanyo's dictionary.

"stupid senpai" mumbled the (h/c)-haired girl who was brushing ayanyo's dark locks trying to get 'senpai out of his hair'.

"Okay, gotta bleach him out, peroxide on him

Hair on the floor like my memory of him

Now I feel brand new, this chick is over you

We're going out ain't got no worries

Drama now, now it just seems so funny

Put my hands up in the air, I'm like yeah" she sang a little verse from little mix while brushing his hair.

"I'm glad I'm friends with you (y/n)-chan" he spun around and buried his face in the crook of her neck and sniffled almost in tears.

"I'm glad to ayato-kun " she smiled petting her friends head.

who wouldn't want to be friends with (y/n)-chan she had it all she was cute, had nice friends and came from a good family.

her brother was a writer in collage and her sister is a musical prodigy; as you can see her family is very creative originally her brother inspired her to write but that didn't interest her she liked to draw but her story did have a good plot, since the age of seven she always wanted to be a mangaka.

somewhere deep down in ayato he knew that he liked the manga-writing girl he just denied it.

 but there was another boy who liked (y/n) he was a shy red coloured  boy who was nicknamed info-kun because he provides lots of insight and gossip to the student body and  young people alike.

he liked her since the  second year of middle school but he barley talks to her, it's quite strange this boy who is shy actually is  the president school paper and likes to gossip but that's how the universe is, always a mystery.

but who is this mysterious info-kun really well no one will know just kidding it's actually Akane Himura a super shy and like I said earlier the president of the news paper club.

Akane was always a mystery to the girl when ever she was around him she would ask very weird questions pretending to be a detective like Sherlock Holmes which by the way was one of her biggest inspirations next to her brother of course.

now back to the story; they pulled away from the hug that felt like a eternity which-if-was-the-end-of-the-world-hug  that long.

(y/n) always gave the best hugs to everyone who was down in the dumps.


Don't read this trash.

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