The Giant and his Sidekick

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It's not easy being the new kid. It seems that people are judged when they're different, or new. It's like everyone expects you to be just like them and just fit in. But here I am, walking down the halls of the Buise Creek Middle school, wearing my baggy hoodie and ripped jeans, strangers turning their heads toward me, whispers floating about in the air. I sheepishly looked down at my feet while I walked, trying to ignore them. My dad always told me to keep my head up and smile, but I never could. Why should I smile when I don't have much to live for?

I wove in and out of the busy halls trying to find my first class, when somebody stepped in front of me. It was a boy, he looked my age, but he was way taller than all the 8th graders I've seen so far. He held out his hand and gave me a flashing smile, "you must be new here?", he asked as he looked me up and down. I took his hand and shook it. I blushed, I couldn't help it, I mean who wouldn't? He was very attractive, and he looked so much nicer than most of the boys I've seen passing me by in the halls. Just when I was about to say something someone tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around revealing his slightly shorter dark-haired friend.
"Rhett we're going to be late for class we need to..." He pulled his attention towards me.
"Hey are you new? Need help finding your class?" He gave me the cutest smile I had ever seen.
I stared blankly into his twinkling cobalt blue eyes.
"Huh..." he said,  snapping me back into reality, "You don't talk much do you?"
I gave them both a weak smile, "Um.. I'm okay I think I'll manage." I quickly shuffled away leaving them staring at each other as I headed towards my first class.

Idiot. Idiot. Idiot. I should've asked them for help! I thought as I ambled through the halls. I can't find my ways in this school, everything is so disorganized.  I wound around the corner of the 1st hall and froze. The Green Giant and his "sidekick" were scanning up and down the next hall picking up litter off the tiled floor. Ugh I can't go and ask them now, they'd think I'm pathetic! I slowly backed out of the hall, but hit something hard in the process. I turned around and found myself looking up at the principal Mr. Jackson.
"Oh and you must be the new student, Ivy?" Mr. Jackson was one of those jolly types of principals, that seemed more fitting as a professional mall Santa than the keeper of a school. He had a fuller face and a wispy gray combover.
"Yes that's me, Ivy Burk! So sorry about running into you like this." I blushed in embarrassment.
"Not a problem at all!", he said as he dusted off the shoulder of his suit. "Well it seems as though you have lost your way, let me just get these two young boys to hel-"
"Mr. Jackson there's really no need," I interrupted him, "I think I can figure it out." He looked at me puzzled.
"Nonsense! You are clearly lost! And I'm sure they're more than happy to help."
I just gave in and followed him down the hall to the boys.
"Charles, Rhett, can you show this young lady to her first class? You can finish later." The small one rolled his eyes and moaned. "I told you to call me Link!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2017 ⏰

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