Midnight Visits

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Elijah's P.O.V

I wake up with a start. The air feels different but I cant place my finger on it. Looking around my room in the midnight gloom I faintly see that my rooms the same, nothing's been disturbed. I shrug and dismiss it as my imagination. I quickly check my iPad for the time. It reads 2:30. only 3 and a half more hours till my last day of freedom from school. I let out a sigh. School holidays suck.

I go to lie back down when i hear a faint rustle out side my bedroom window. I groan and sink further down in my warm blankets. Goddammit creepy pastas I think, recalling one particular one. Its probably just the cat I convince my self I quietly roll over to my curtains and pull them across. I freeze as goosebumps began to cover my body.

That is not my cat, I think to my self, gazing fearfully at the creature outside my window. He, it, was massive. Almost touching the roof, it was dressed entirely in black, with a cowl that bathed its face in black shadow. It chin, the only feature visible on it face was thin and an almost translucent colour.

As I went to scream, two dark blood red spots appeared where its eyes should have been and gazed at me. Then it just, I don't know, dissipated in to the night air. I close the curtains and crawl back to bed. Well, I think to my self, I'm not getting back to sleep. I spend the remainder of my 3.5 hours trying to convince my self it was a dream.

I failed.

Flynn's P.O.V

I honestly can't wait to get home. I've spent the past 2ish hours on a plane coming back from Manila and have just left the Australian Airport after refuelling. I look at the clock. 2:25. Only a couple more hours till I land New Zealand. I lie back in my seat and close my eyes. Tomorrows a teachers only day, so I could either sleep, or get some friends over. I think about both possibilities before choosing sleep.

As we pass over the Australian coast i have the sudden urge to go toilet. I stand up and squeeze past the other people in the row, and then progress to the toilets. The air seems thicker than normal down here, and the atmosphere seems electrified. I reach out and pull the door open, then freeze.

Standing in the cubicle is a massive figure. The figure almost takes up the entire cubicle and is dressed in a long black robe that has a cape like appearance to it. I look at its face, but its hood conceals most of its face, and I see only his mouth, a thin black line, and his chin, which is sharp and has a translucent grey colour.

I step back in preparation to run away when his, what I'm presuming are, eyes begin to glow a dark blood red, then disperses in to the air. Well, I think to my self, all of a sudden I don't need to go toilet, before quickly turning and walking away.

Hey Guys
Criticism please
And ideas

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