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Flynns P.O.V

As new Zealand comes into view, I'm still thinking about that thing in the toilet. After seeing that thing I have slept at all, so as a result I'm out of it. I notice that the rest of my family is beginning to wake up. Iisha, my little sister, wakes up first and  greets me with a tired 'Hey Flynny'. 

Then, as if she had drunk 5 Red Bulls simultaneously, she begins to talk about the strawberry shortcake episode she watched last night. Grateful for the distraction from that nightmare, I turn my complete attention to her.

About ten minutes later the notice comes over the P.A system that we're landing. The rest of my family's awake now and are preparing for the landing. Except Iisha. Who's still talking. Geez she can talk. "Iisha, its time to land! You have to put you seat belt on now" I say to her. She obediently listens with an "ok Flynny" and sits in her seat waiting for me to do it up for her. She is three after all. 

My ears lightly pop as we begin to descend. The soft ding of the P.A system coming on sounds in the back ground and I pay little attention to it, because at that moment a black figure appears at the front of the cabin. I go stiff and break into a cold sweat. Then the dark figure turns around.

To reveal an old man in a black trench coat. He wasn't even is tall as the figure or even remotely scary. He was pale but not a ghostly pale. He had a soft face and greyish eyes. I really need to sleep. My mum noticed the beads of sweat on my forehead. 

"Flynn, are you ok sweetie?" She asked, concerned. I'm stuck on what to say. I cant exactly say that I thought that the old man was a demon that I saw in the toilet. So I simply say "I'm fine"

She gives me that mothers look that says that she doesn't believe me but nods. The plane has landed now and we file to get out of the plane.

Elijah's P.O.V

The next day passes with me staying away from windows and preoccupying my self with YouTube and pointless games, such as Rabbit Evolution and War Tortoise. Night comes to fast and I keep my self from freaking out by listening to my music and facing the door.

I eventually have to take my headphones off, coz sleep, and face my imagination. Eventually I drift off into a peaceful sleep.

The next morning I'm awakened by the sound of my mum yelling at me to wake up. I crawl out of bed and begin to compile my school books and clothes before heading out to eat breakfast.

The day begins pretty normally, with music, my optional class, followed by math's, my not-so-optional class. After math is Morning tea. This begins normally as well, until I see Flynn. He has massive bags under his eyes and looks like he hasn't slept in weeks.

I walk up to him and the first thing out of mouth is "First hangover? Feels like shit eh?". He look behind me and  coughs. I turn around and there a=stands a teacher. Looking directly at me. She motions over to me and I groan and curse inwardly.

Five minutes later I'm back with Flynn. He's currently laughing at me for  getting caught. When's he's done laughing at me I decide to ask him what's wrong. "What do you mean?" He replied. "I mean you look like shit."

"so do you" he replies. I groan. That stupid thing had a bigger impact than I thought. "Seriously though, what the hell happened to you?" He looks around. "Could I come over to your's" he asks out of the blue/ "sure...?" I reply. This is really weird. I never have anyone round at my place. There's nothing to do. :ok." He says. "Ill tell you then." He gets up and walks away. That was... weird, I think to myself. All of a sudden I feel as if I've arranged a drug deal.


Stuff will get more interesting I promise.

Sorry for not updating. Had no motivation.

Any ideas for characters please let me know.

Saying it on here coz I cant be bothered actually asking you guy's.

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