Chapter 1

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Liams POV

When I woke up, after the brutal beating my father had given me, I realized it was the morning. The clock said 5:02AM. I slowly got up, holding the windowsill for balance. Pain surged through my body. I walked into the living room, where my father was passed out on the couch, grasping an empty beer bottle, with about 5 on the floor next to the couch.

Since he was asleep, I decided to take a shower. What he doesn't know wont hurt him. I had to hurry, though, I mean who knows when he could wake up. I was done within 5 minutes. I put on some old, worn out jeans. It's all I have. I put on a shirt, and a grey sweatshirt to cover any marks on my arms.

I then sat on the floor in 'my room'. Now when I said my room, my room is this closet that has a window. I don't have a bed or anything like that. All I have in my room is my backpack full of school papers, my shoes, and my stash of secret things I brought on my own. If dad finds them, he'll throw them. My stash is basically a toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, a small first aid kit (comes in handy a lot), a bottle of water, and sometimes food. My bottle of water is gone, and I haven't drank anything for like 2 days. I haven't eaten for about 4 or 5 days, because I cant find money anywhere.

I lay on the floor, using my backpack as a pillow. As I know school starts soon, I start putting my stash in my bag (just in case if dad goes in my room while im at school and takes it). I heard footsteps, and I quickly grabbed everything and shoved it in my bag, zipping it up.

My father comes in my room. "What the hell are you doing?!" he yelled. "Getting ready for school," I answered. He looked down at me. He grabbed my backpack. He dumped it on my floor. Papers flew everywhere, and my stash fell on the floor. He grabbed the 'stash' and all the papers. He went and threw them away. All of it. Everything I have... basically gone. Shit. Even my school papers. My teachers will be pissed at me.

My father came back in my room and threw my empty backpack at me. He walked over to me, and yanked me up. He kicked my stomach and punched me in the face. "Go to school," he mumbled and walked out. I clenched my stomach.

I took a deep breath. I just need to get out of here. I climbed out my window and walked to school. I haden't realized what time it was, but when I got there, apparently I was late by like 10 minutes.

"Liam!" the teacher scolded. "You're late!"

I shrugged and sat in my seat. The teacher, Mrs. Greenleaf, stomped over to me. "Id like to see you outside of the classroom," she growled. I sighed and got up, following the bitchy teacher outside the classroom. I closed the door behind me.

"Liam, you have been late to class too many times!" she started. "I lost track of time.. I didn't even know what time it was," I answered. "Fine, since this time you were only 10 minutes late, I wont punish you. But next time, I will!" she continued on.

Whatever. I sighed as she continued on. I zoned out, because I just don't care, until something she said caught my attention. "Did you get in another fight?!" she asked, seeming disgusted. "Mind your own business," I said blankly. "No, Liam, you always say that! I want an answer. Who did you beat up?!"


"There has to be somebody"

I walked off. I didn't know where I was going, but I had about 30 minutes to kill until I switched classes. I heard her heels stomp behind me. I decided to stop.

"Liam, tell me what's going on!" she demanded.


"YOU DARE TELL ANYONE, AND I MEAN ANYONE, YOU WILL FUCKING DIE. YOU HEAR ME?!" me dad screamed at me. He slapped my cheek. Tears slipped out of my eyes. He kicked my head, forefully, and repeated, "DO YOU HEAR ME?!"

"Y-yes f-father," I responded in between sobs. He picked me up and threw me against the wall, and I blacked out.


I've always imagined telling people, don't get me wrong. I just didn't think too often about it, because who to tell? I don't have friends. Dad told me not to tell when I was 4 years old, but has been repeating it since. I know better.

I want to tell so bad, but I never imagined it would be Mrs. Greenleaf to know first. Mrs. Greenleaf kept saying my name and waving her hand in my face.

"Uhmmm," I started to say. The feeling of telling is overwhelming me, and she's pushing to know the answer. "I..." I started, but then the room began to spin, and I fell backwards. Everything closed in around me


I opened my eyes, even though the light was bright. My headache grew larger. I sat up, wincing in pain from my stomach.

I saw Mrs. Greenleaf sitting in a chair. "Hello Liam," she started. "Uhh.. Hi?" I questioned. "So when I asked you what was going on, you passed out. I took you to the nurse, where we found this huge bruise on your stomach. Care to explain?" she asked.

I don't want to deal with this. I got up, tightly squeezing my eyes shut from the pain, and walked out. So done with school for the day.


HELLO! So I told you this would be longer, and look who kept their promises.. (hint: its me)  So yup, you should vote. and comment. KAY BYE :)

~ Caitlynn

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