So...Two Things...Or Maybe Three Or Four...

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Guys v.v I am SO sorry that I have not been posting lately! I feel so so so so so so so so SO bad about it, I'm trying to get something up but I just can't find the heart or time to do it. Things have been pretty crazy lately so I haven't been able to just sit down and I've just kinda lost my need for it you know? That moment when something is really REALLY good and you do it for awhile before you get bored? Yeah, that's what I'm going through and I PROMISE you guys that I will get back to writing I just got to get back in the swing of things. In fact I have another idea for a story and I know where I want to take a few of my other it's not like I don't know what to write's just I can't write well when I don't feel like writing.

You know just writing this gave me an idea. If any of you want to send me a message with your idea of what should happen next in your favorite story, I would love to read it and who knows maybe I'll use that idea.'s just an idea >_>

ANYHOE that was the first thing I wanted to talk to you guys about, one of the other things is I'm making a new library, woo! I'm gonna put all my favorite authors in there plus what stories I love that they have written so if you're looking for a good read just pop in there and start picking. The Library will be called Authors List these are the best of the best in my mind, Top 10 would be the next best reads but You know *Shrugs* I can't help but have more then 10 favorites. I will also post another library called Authors Unfinished List Which would be the authors from the original list it would be stories that they're working on. Might be awhile before they're full though...

Last thing I wanted to talk to you guys about...wait v.v second to last I have a friend named Becca and she's room mates with another friend of mine who has a wattpad account, his name would be Baylen. Bay doesn't write...much v.v so Bec normally post her stories on his account, but ANYWAY my point is that me and Bec will write stories together sometimes so ^-^ if you actually want to see some of my FINISHED work >_> You can find out where to go on profile page. And if you're already reading those stories and you want to send in ideas for another please do, you can send messages to me or Bec but normally I'm on alot more than Bec PLUS if she's not on I can send her a message through e-mail to let her know what you guys think. And for a lil heads up >_> Bec is working on two of her own stories and let me tell you guys they are amazing! 

Last thing v.v and yes I swear this is the last one okay?

I Love Every Single One Of You To Death ^-^ <3 <3 <3


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