3** ghost rule **3

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You had called your dad that night before going to bed to tell him about Feliciano and Lovino. Apparently, he was familiar with them and saw the two a lot; this didn't really surprise you, since your dad wasn't as introverted as you were and actually tried to make friends with the neighbors. After that he told you a lot about how his trip was going and all the stuff that was in New York. He asked you if you wanted anything, and you had to think about that. You told him that you would tell him later and then you both said your good byes. 

Soon enough it was the next day, and you had woken up way earlier than usual. Instead of going to sleep, you decided that just heading to school would be a much wiser choice. You got yourself dressed up and plugged your headphones into your phone and started your music. When you got to the school, of course classes hadn't started yet, so you made your way to hang out in the library. 

The library was another place you were rather fond of; there were never too many people in it at once, and it was a quiet space to leave you to your thoughts. It had such a nice atmosphere to it too, such a shame not too many people visited often to take it in. The smell of aging papers filled your senses, as the giant, endless rows of books engulfed your vision. You picked a spot near the heart of the library to hang out; it was completely surrounded by the shelves and hidden away from the rest of the world. 

To burn some time you had before class, you decided to do a little homework. As soon as the worksheets were pulled out of your bag and in front of you, you had stared at them for a good three minutes before hunching over the table in silent distress. You wished you had been paying attention more in class, because the math set before you looked more like some foreign language than numbers. You scratched your head, trying to somehow decode the strange writing on the paper before you. 

Soon, you heard the faint pattering of footsteps approaching you. You quickly snap up-right, and acted like you were working instead of sulking like an idiot. Your stare was focused completely on the papers in front of you, and you could almost feel beads of sweat pouring down your face. 

"(y/n)?" the sudden raspy voice caught you off-guard. "Whatch'a doing so early?"

Oh great. It's Gilbert. 

He mosied up behind you and looked over your head at your homework while you tensed up as soon as he was an inch away from you. You inwardly shuddered at Gil's disregard for personal space and silently wished he would just go away. 

"Math? I'm awesome at that!!" he shouted. 

Who even thought it was a good idea to let this guy in a library??  You silently asked, all the while inwardly panicking. 

He back away from you and took a seat next to you. "I have some spare time! So I will grace you with my awesome presence and help you!"

Perfect, I've always wanted alone time with Gil, you thought sourly, trying to hide the fact that it sort of made you uncomfortable.

Gil then pointed to the sheet in front of you and started to explain what everything was. 

"Just use this equation and it's done!" he proclaimed at the end of his mini-lecture. When he finished you looked shocked at how easy it was and how he made it so clear. You were trying to wrap your head around how he could explain it like that when he grabbed another worksheet and started reading through it. 


By the time the bell rung, you had already finished that week's math homework, as well as two other math assignments you failed to complete in time. You really had to hand it to Gil; you never knew that he was actually intelligent in math. 

You packed your things to go and threw your bag on your back. You turned to see Gil getting ready to go as well. Hesitating, you reached out. "Hey, Gil," you called out in a soft voice.

He turned to look at you, a curious look on his pale face. "What's up?"

Avoiding eye contact, you looked past his head. "Thanks... For uh, helping me."

"Anytime!" he shouted happily, with a dumb smile on his face. With that, he scooted by the walls of books and out of your line of sight. 

Your eyes lingered on the last place you saw him, lost in thought once again. You always thought of Gil as a big idiot that just happened to be charismatic (since that's how it normally worked). Apparently, you needed to re-think a lot about Gil.

Shaking your head, you reminded yourself that you needed to get going to the first class of the day. 

With that, you followed in Gil's footsteps and weaved your way out from the bookshelves. Jeez, you never noticed how big this place was, you could swear it was a maze. Thankfully, you managed to not get lost and scurry out to the hall. Once you were out, you were met with an influx of students bustling to and fro. It overwhelmed you enough to almost knock you back into the library.

You begrudgingly integrated yourself into the non stop stream of teenagers and followed upstream until you reached your locker. You nearly missed it while you were trying to push your way out of the crowd, luckily enough you managed to free yourself and land just beside it.

Cracking it open with your combination, you haphazardly tossed whatever you didn't need into it. Which was almost everything since your first period was art, and your teacher didn't really care if you had any supplies or not

With your bag safely put away, you practically slammed the locker door shut and found Feliciano on the other side. He had just finished putting his things away, and turned toward you at the sound of the slam. His face turned cheerier than cheery and hopped over to you. You reminded yourself that he was in your first class with you so you didn't shrink back from his actions.

"Good morning, (y/n) !!" He spouted loudly, you were sure that the entire hall could hear him clearly.

You gave him a nod and he walked beside you as you both made your way to the art room. You let him ramble and let your own thoughts wander off.

"Oh! And by the way! Have you seen Gil today?" he turned to you, smile unfaltering.

"U-uhh, yeah, why?" You quickly sputtered, startled by the suddenness of the question.

"Ok! Good, I gotta tell him something important!" Feli continued, trying to feign a serious look but quickly lost it.

"Oh?" You egged on, curious.

Feli nodded and hummed a confirmation. "You know how he was gonna do something for that show? He had a partner, and she told me to tell him that she has to drop out!"

"Huh? Why?" You asked, intrigued.

"I don't know..." he said quieter than usual, then shrugged. "I guess she's sick!"

You hummed in response, and you both went back to your own musings. You couldn't help but wonder exactly what Gil had in mind for his performance and his mystery partner.

Maybe this performance thing might explain why he had been jumping around from place to place more so than usual.

(A/N: ughghyvbh this feels shorter than the last few chapters and rlly filler-y but that's because I wrote most of it while I was tired af..... I hope you like this though...)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2016 ⏰

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