Take It From Here

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"Somewhere between laughing for no reason, stupid arguments, and making fun of each other, I fell in love with you."


Camila Cabello closed her front door behind her, leaving her house and starting the walk toward school. Three nights ago they two had had a blowout fight over how he had been blowing their routine off, him spending more time with the senior girl – Hailee Steinfeld.

Hailee was beautiful, and everyone knew it. Long silken hair that always seemed perfectly in place, stunningly simple makeup, tall model-like body and sweet smile. She was just as nice as she was gorgeous and immensely talented, and people were drawn to her.

Shawn was drawn to her.

And she was drawn to him, too.

And even though that night they had made up, joked around a bit, things had been a little awkward ever since. Maybe not so awkward, just more like they hadn't been hanging out as much. He hadn't even stayed over since that night. Even though she knew he was busy, whatever more he was in his senior year, she just wanted to get back on track with him.

Camila sat under their usual spot at the big oak tree, finishing up a little school work as she sipped from a can of Raspberry coke, and she saw Shawn walking with the girl who seemed to suddenly be a permanent fixture at his side – Camila kind of thought he'd come sit with her.

He didn't even wave. He saw her sitting there, and their eyes locked, but he didn't smile or wave or acknowledge her at all. He just walked with Hailee to a vacant table and they sat down, laughing at something or another. Her heart wrenched. Unbelievable.

"I'll let you use me to make him jealous."

"Hi dweeb," Camila said, laughing as Steven Kelly sat down across from her. Over the years, boys had been flocking to her and Steven was not an exception ... well maybe that one person. Her best friend. Yes, she is in love with Shawn Peter Raul Mendes. But their friendship had been nothing more than just being best of friends. Sometimes she wished they never were best friend in the first place.

"I'm serious. Time and place, baby, and I'm there," he said with a smirk.

"I don't need to make him jealous. He's got a girlfriend. Whatever."

"Don't believe you," Steven said seriously. "You really think people believe that you two are just friends?"

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