The Right Thing To Do

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It was late at night, everything was quiet, all you could here was the raindrops hitting the roof. Nathan was asleep next to his wounderful wife Elena. The early morning brang a suprise. There was a sudden knock on the door, loud enough to hear from next door. Nate jolted up. He pushed the sheets of the bed off him. He walked downstairs, he slightly moved the blinds to see who was at the door. He couldn't see anyone he opend the door, he saw someone, someone who he hasn't seen in a long, long time. It was his brother, Sam, he was inneed of help. Nathan sat down "I-I saw you get shot." "It only wounded me" Sam replied. "Then what happend to you?" Nathan said, "I managed to escape I thought you were a dead man" Sam said sitting down next to his brother. "After they shot you... I ran, for my life." "Listen Nate I meed your help just, one last time" Sam said. "Im not into that life anymore." Nathan said  looking away. "I just need you, Just this one last time." Sam said looking down at his brother. "NO, Sam I can't" Nate said getting angry. "I guess you don't want tocome on a once in a lifetime adventure" Sam said grinning. Nathan looked up, "When do we start?"

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