chapter 1.

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"Owen, Hoskins is here and wants to talk" I said annoyed, knowing exactly what he wanted to talk about.

"Grace, you gotta come with me or I'll punch him in his ugly face"

Owen can, sometimes, be even more aggressive and snappy than I am. Guess it's in the family then.

"Grady, Grady Junior" he looked at us.

He knew exactly I hated it and still do. 'Grady junior' oh c'mon. I'm so much better than Owen. I swear he's just doing it to piss me off.

I already wanted to attack him, but Owen stopped me with his arm.

I exhaled loudly and turned around.
"No, you know what? I've already got enough and you just got here. Owen? I'll be with the raptors"

And then I walked off.

Okay, so let me explain. Owen is the alpha of Echo, Charlie and Delta. Me though, am Blue's alpha. She only listens to me.

Blue and I kind of always had this weird connection. When I was little I fell into the cage and somehow Alpha decided to protect me from the other three.

"Grace, c'mon we gotta start feeding them and stuff" I heard Owen call me from the other side of the cage.

I started jogging his way and past this new worker. Pretty young. Probably my age. Owen saw me looking at him and immediately said "Your age, works here, I dont know whats keeping you from talking to him"

"maybe that hes ugly Owen? i mean look at him, he probably just took the job because he thought it would be easy money."

Owen chocked a laugh an started his program.

He gave every single one his mouse to eat and we started cheering for the good day.

Barry and I just high fived when i saw Hoskins ugly face coming up again.

"I was starting to think I hired the wrong guys but damn you got them eating out of your palm"

"You came on a good day" I snapped.

"What do you need" Owen sighed.

Hoskins looked down knowing our opinion to what he was about to say.

"A field test"

I sighed, turned around and walked away, so did owen.

"Look, I've just seen they can respond to commands"

"Their wild animals!" Owen and I said at the same time. We looked at each other when Owen continued talking.

"Trust me, you don't want them in your field"

"I just saw a bond, a real bond between man and beast"

Owen looked at him. "You're in my way" pretending he didn't listen at all to what Hoskins just said.

"We know they can take orders!"

I just saw Barry coming up, getting an annoyed look when he heard what Hoskins just said.

"We finally make progress and that's the first thing he says? Make a weapon?"

I stopped listening to what he said and walked along when they started walking.

I stepped back in when Hoskins said "their loyalty can not be bought"

Barry thought the same thing as I thought when he said "what if they decide that they wanna be in control?"

Hoskins answered with "promote only loyal bloodlines"

"Fucking enough oh my god" I exhaled.

Barry walked off with me when we heard Owen whistle and also screaming after us.

Fear. // Zach Mitchell {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now