Mind blown

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One month prior to the last chapter
Dumbledore's POV
(A.N. because Dumbledore is epic, he only faked his death and then went into hiding. Finally returning one month after the battle of Hogwarts.)
When I returned from my isolation on a remote island in the Pacific ocean, I was met with the once magnificent castle of Hogwarts reduced to rubble and many different gravestones situated by none other than the vicious, whomping willow. Families were gathered around the respective headstones of their brothers, sisters, daughters, sons, friends, and classmates. Hundreds of people had gathered but there were just as many graves as there were mourning. I knew that blood was shed but never, in my wildest dreams, imagined this many deaths. After ten minutes I overcome my shock and search the crowd for the, oh so familiar, mop of black hair. Eventually I spot Harry Potter very much alive. Even after I visited him in a dream once he died, he still somehow salvaged the title of the boy who lived. I cautiously stride over to where he is overlooking a grave that has 'Serverus Snape' inscribed on the white marble headstones that would blend on with the others of it weren't for the extra inscription reading "Always" with the 'A' made up of the deathly hallows. My pace slows as I near the shattered remains of the heroic boy. I gently place my hand on his shoulder and immediately his snaps around to see the new comer. I give him a warm smile which triggers a fresh wave of tears to fall down his already tear stained face. He unexpectedly hugs me as the sobs cause his entire body to shape uncontrolably. I envelope him in my embrace. Finally he pulls away and utters some incoherent words. My brain furiously attempts to grasp what he said, but I come up empty handed. "Pardon?" I ask hopefully. He takes a step backwards and takes a deep breathe with his eyes shut as he recomposes himself then starts again " I need to tell you something ". Shocked I slowly nod my head. He walks swiftly to the forbidden forest with me hot on his tail. He walks for a minute in silence apart from the crunch of twigs and leaves under his foot. Once it is o obvious that we are out of sight and earshot of those who still grieve by the ominous death markers. He comes to a stop and sound on his heels to face me. He takes another deep breathe then gushes into an explanation. "There's a reason I'm really powerful. You see, Greek gods and godesses are real and the wizarding community was made by Hectate, the goddess of magic and crossroads. Occasionally the other gods as well as godesses like to come into this world. My father is in fact Poseidon, god of the seas and earthquakes. He disguised himself as a student, originally planning on doing one year at Hogwarts before leaving. Although while he was there he fell in love which caused to extend his stay. I'm not actually an only child. Actually I have a lot of siblings if you're counting half siblings. Anyway. I have a twin. However when we were born he ended up with our fathers godly blood and I ended up with our mothers wizard blood. With voldemort wanting then dead they asked Hectate to use the mist to fake their deaths. The wizarding world only had knowledge about me, and not my twin. So they left me to not grow suspicion. My mother changed her appearance as well as name when she fled to America with my brother. My father went back to Olympus and his duties." He stopped and have me a suppressed smile with his head on a tilt as he nervously shifted his weight. I stood there shell-shocked. My brain slowly processed what he told me until I was struck with realisation. "So, you got all the wizard blood and your twin got ask the godly blood?" He ask of a sudden became very interested in the ground beneath his feet but still gave a small nod. I plucked another question out of the all the ones swirling in my mind. "How did you find this out?" I asked genuinely curious. "In my fourth year Poseidon came to talk to me when I was with Ron and Hermione after the second task. They are the only ones, apart from you obviously, that know, in the wizarding world that is." I do yet another lucky dip of questions "Who's your twin?" Harry looks into my eyes and says "Perseus Achilles Jackson".
A.N. I'm sorry my chapters are so short. It would be very much appreciated to have suggestions from you guys. Thank you so much for reading. I hope this made sense. Paperclips are awesome. :D

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