Gods and godesses

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When we first started collating this list we knew there were many cultures each with their own collection of god's and goddesses. What we didn't realise was just how many there really are. Trust us - when you've found more than 2 god's of moisture, you know enough is enough. So here is a selection of the many.

Amaethon (Welsh) - God of Agriculture, Master of Magic
Aonghus - God of Love (celtic answer to Cupid)
Arawn - God of the Celtic Otherworld
Arianrhod (Welsh) - Star and Sky Goddess, Goddess of Beauty, Full Moon and Magical Spells
Badb (Irish) - Goddess of War, Death and Rebirth
Branwyn - Goddess of love, sexuality and the sea
Bridgit - Goddess of fertility, feminine creativity, martial arts and healing
Caillech (Scottish, Irish, Welsh) - Goddess of Weather, Earth, Sky, Seasons, Moon and Sun
Cernunnos - The 'Horned God', God of Nature, Animals, Fertility and the Underworld
Cerridwen - Moon Goddess, Goddess of Dark Prophecy and the Underworld
Cliodna (Irish, Scottish) - Goddess of Beauty and of Other Realms
Coventina - Goddess of Rivers, Abundance, Inspiration and Prophecy
Creide (Irish, Scottish) - Goddess of Women and Fairies
The Crone - One of the Triple Goddess Aspects, Goddess of Old Age, Winter and the Waning Moon
Dagda - God of Life, Death, War, Banquets and Magic
Danu - Goddess of Wind, Wisdom and Fertility
Eostre - Goddess of Spring, Rebirth, Fertility and New Beginnings
Epona - Horse Goddess, Goddess of Prosperity, Healing, Nurturance and Sustainence
Latis - Goddess of Water and Beer
Lugh - Sun God, God of War, Mastery, Magic and Good Harvest
Morgan LeFay (Welsh) - Goddess of Death, Fate, the Sea and of Curses
Morrigan - Goddess of War, Revenge, Night, Magic and Prophecy. Queen of Fairies and Witches
Oghma (Scottish, Irish) - God of Communication and Writing, and of Poets
Rhiannon (Welsh) - Goddess of Birds, Horses, Enchantments, Fertility and the Underworld
Skatha (Welsh) - Goddess of the Underworld, Darkness, Magic, Prophecy and Martial Arts.

The Green Man (Welsh)

God of the Woodlands, of Life Energy and Fertility.

The Triple Goddess - The Maiden, Mother and Crone all at once. Moon, Creator, Destroyer.

Aegir - God of the Sea
Astrild - Goddess of love
Baldur - God of Innocence, beauty,joy, purity and peace. Odin's 2nd Son.
Bragi - God of poetry and eloquence
Brono - God of daylight
Dagur - God of Daytime, son of Delling (twilight) and Nott (night)
Delling - God of Twilight
Eir - Goddess of healing
Forseti - God of justice and order
Freya - Goddess of Love, Sex, Beauty, War, Magic and Wisdom
Freyr - God of Plenty, covering Sun, Rain, Harvests, Peace and prosperity.
Frigg - Main goddess, wife of Odin. Goddess of Marriage, Mother of All, Protector of Children
Gefion - Goddess of Plants and Fertility.
Hel - Goddess of the Dead and the Afterlife
Hod - Blind god of Darkness and Winter.
Holler - God of death, destruction, disaster and disease.
Idun - Goddess of spring, youth and immortality.
Jord - Goddess of primitive and uncivilized areas on earth.
Laga - Goddess of wells and springs
Lofn - Goddess of indulgence and forbidden love
Loki - God of Fire, Trickster God
Magni - God of Strength, son of Thor
Miming - God of Forests
Mimir - Giant God of wisdom and knowledge
Modi - God of Battle-rage
Njord - God of Fire, Wind and Sea
Nott - Goddess of night
Odin - God of all Men, Father of all Gods
Ran - Goddess of the sea and storms
Sjofn - Goddess of Love, harmony and human passion
Skadi - Goddess of Winter and Hunting
Snotra - Goddess of Virtue and Self discipline.
Sunna - Sun Goddess
Syn - Goddess of Denial and prowerful defender of the acused at trial.
Thor - God of Thunder, sky and fertility
Tyr - God of War and Law
Ull - God of archery and skiing
Vali - God of vengance
Var - Goddess of marriage oaths
Vidar - God of Silence, stealth and revenge.
Vor - Goddess who knows all

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2016 ⏰

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