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Chapter 10

I suddenly wake up and gasp for air. I turn to see Jake still sleeping next to me. The clock to my right shows 4:23 in the morning. I sigh and rub my eyes to get the sleep out of them. I get up and head to the bathroom. I splash water on my face. My eyes meet in the mirror. Oh, how quickly life changed for me. I don't hate the girl in the mirror anymore. Jake comes into view, wraps his arm around my waist, and places his chin on my head, "What are you thinking about, little one?" I honestly don't know. It's weird to think that not long ago, I was crying myself to sleep on a dirty sheet on the floor, and now look. I am wrapped up in an alpha's arms because I took the chance to escape. If I were caught, Waylen would have more than likely killed me because that's not the first time. "My life," I finally answered him. "Come back to bed; it's too early even for me. He leads me back to the full-size mattress in the room.

Rolling back over, I see the clock now says 8:18. I listen and hear the shower running and Jake humming. Humming? I can hear that. "I owe you an explanation." A voice I haven't heard in years speaks to me. I break into a sobbing mess. I look up happy and say thank you out loud. My life is being good to me. I need this. "Tegan," I say out loud through cries. Jake busts open the door to the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist, still dripping wet from water. He marches over to me, and that's when I feel it—the sweet pull of a mate. Nothing else matters. I start crying harder for Jake to pull me in. I sank right into his arms, feeling safe for the first time. Jake pulls me up, and his hands find my face, "Hello, my little mate," I laugh while crying. He kisses me. I pull away laughing, enjoying his touch on my cold skin. We stay in this spot long enough for Jake to air dry. So he returns to his shower.

"Ruth, I am sorry. I got scared," Tegan tells me, hurting.

"I don't care, Tegan. We made it. We finally made it out," I give her credit. "But Ruth, did we? Remember, Waylen likes games," She tells me, breaking my joy. That man owns me till his last breath. I get up, pouty, get dressed, and throw my hair into a high ponytail. Life will be different. I can not be the weak girl if I want to take down Waylen. "We have each other again. It's time to own our past; like a good friend told me once, your past and pain will be useful someday."

At this time, Jake walks from the bathroom with his hair down, making me smile. "You know you can train fully now; you just have to go slow," He tells me, walking out of the room. I turn my head to the side and follow after him. I turn to his room and go inside to see him slipping on a shirt." Could I, though? I am still weak," I speak while looking down. A gust of wind passes me as I get pressed against the wall, making me gasp, "Push me off of you," I stare at him in confusion, knowing I can't do that. "Do it," Axle presses, coming forward. "No," He then pushes his body entirely against mine. He grabs my wrist, yanking them above my head. I stare into Axle's eyes as they become darker. I try to free my hands from his grip. Panic started to sit in. I look both ways for something I can use. My breathing starts to stagger. Axle doesn't make a move. "I can't, I can't!" I yell. "Do it!" He barks back. I start to wiggle, trying to get away. At this point, I am full-on crying.

How could he do this to me? Tegan spills through. "Get the hell off of me," Anger drips from her voice. Axle growled at her. Tegan pushes from her wrist, testing her power and causing Axle to growl slowly. Tegan relaxes her eyes. She takes this time to throw her wrist down, grab Axle by the throat, and flip places. "Silver eyes," Axle smiles while looking Tegan up and down. "Black eyes," Tegan remarks back. "Axle," "Tegan," Both of them smile, breaking from the current hold they are both in. Our eyes faded back to normal. "I am sorry I had to do that to you. I wanted to show you- you are stronger than you think," Jake slowly says. "Anything you could have done other than that, Jake," I tell him. "I hate being that weak little girl, but you showed me I am not. It just takes a little bit of struggle to get that." I speak up about myself. Jake relaxes. "I love feeling your wolf," I hum in response to him.

Lost in our thoughts, we didn't hear Anya approach, "Hey, we are late. Oh, um, late to training," Anya looks between Jake and me and smiles. Anya's face widens as she smells me, "You have your wolf!" She yells in excitement and runs over to pull me into a hug. I freeze, not knowing what to do, "Yes, but that doesn't mean she is comfortable with people touching her," Jake breaks as he pulls her off of me. She mumbles a small sorry.

We all head to the training field. I am in the clothes to train but might sit out to watch. As we walk up, everyone bows their head slightly to show respect. Anya goes to her group while I stand without one. I watch as people dodge hits and kicks. Without thinking, I walk up to a group of three, causing them to stop. "If you step with your less dominant foot, the punch will be less predicted," I say while showing them. They get in the stance I am in. "Now you stand and step like I showed you," I tell a man with short, spiky hair and a slight bump on his nose. He does as he is told. "Now you go regularly as you would," I motion to the other male with a slight build but the same features. I push the remaining male beside me and watch the spikey-haired male attack the shorter male.

As I planned, the shorter one went down quicker than before. "Thanks, Luna," The spikey-haired males say together, bowing and beginning a new match with what I had just taught them. I smile to myself. Luna. I turn on my heels to see Jake and Jason staring at me. My lips thin in a small line as I approach the two men. I did something without permission, "How did you know that?" Jason asks. "I was captured for 13 years and was an alpha pet. You learn some things watching fights happen," I shrug, not expecting that question. "You don't have to be afraid, little one. No one will yell at you here. The blonde that has spiked hair is Jewels. The shorter one is Jewel's twin brother, Kevin, and the oddball is Jernme. Friend of the brothers. All of them are fairly new to the pack yet great fighters," Jake says, informing me about the people I just helped.

"How did you two hear the conversation?" I was puzzled, dumb at the thought of being twenty feet away from the alpha and beta. "Higher ranks have better hearing," Jason informs me with a puzzled look. "How didn't you know that?" Jake asks right after. That would make a lot of sense. Waylen always knew what was happening around him, near his pets, even if we did whisper so he would not hear. "I guess I didn't pay that much attention," I barely say, feeling bad for myself as I think of all the girls and boys who would still be alive if Waylen hadn't heard some of the things said about him. Tears prick at my eyes as I feel Jake grabbing my face. "Hey, it's okay; you were not taught like every other pack member," Jake comes at me while Jason places his hand on my shoulder for support. I cringe a little; still not used to people touching me.

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