Day Seven- Second Park Bench on the Right

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  • Dedicated to Emily

Write a Scene with No Dialogue

Every great love story involves two characters.

In the story that takes place today, there are, and they are a girl and a boy.

The girl, Isabelle, is only 19, and she has lived her life full of regrets. She constantly thinks of every missed opportunity, from the late arrival to the train station to the poor order choice at an expensive restaurant, to the day she spent sick while her friends went out to the club. She often wishes for one time where she did not regret doing something.

Isabelle is an old soul, preferring to watch silent black and white movies rather than that new chick flick. She likes reading poetry and listening to Frank Sinatra.  Her dream job is to be a book publisher, a job that requires unlimited reading.

Isabelle puts down her book, gets off her sagging couch that is placed center in her apartment, and stretches. She feels her leg cramp slightly, and she walks in a circle a few times to stretch it out. As she opens the refrigerator to grab a glass of yesterday’s tea. On the counter next to the stove, her phone vibrates. Isabelle picks it up.

Isabelle is not much a fan of modern technology, and the most prominent example of this would be her cell phone. It’s a battered old thing, its dark blue exterior scratched and its screen shattered in two places. She has no plan of getting a Y-phone or whatever they’re called, because this one suits her just fine. It was only last month that she begrudgingly allowed her best friend Alison to put a texting plan on it, claiming it was “too dangerous” for her to live alone in New York City without it.

The text message was from Alison. Isabelle picked it up and scanned the message quickly.

TO: Isabelle

FROM: Alison

Are you interested in going to the ice-skating rink in Central Park tonight? I know this guy that can get us past the line…please say yes!

Isabelle scrunched her forehead in thought before typing a reply.

TO: Alison

FROM: Isabelle

Count me in.

Isabelle has never been ice skating, but she is looking forward to skating with her best friend in the frigid December air. She hopes this night will have no regrets.

It had been 26 days, and Luke Treadway is still not over Alice Thornton. Luke was convinced she was the one. Everything about her seemed perfect to him: she preferred vintage movies to modern ones, swing to rap, and she could never understand why someone felt compelled to share their thoughts online. He loves how she would snuggle with him on his beat up couch as they watched films, throwing their popcorn at the villain, and how she would always, always fall asleep before the ending. Luke thought that he and Alice were perfect for each other, and that’s why it had come to a complete surprise when Alice had met him at their favorite bench at their favorite spot in Central Park (the second bench behind the skating rink) and told him it was over.

She had found someone else, she explained, as she gripped her favorite cup of coffee in her left hand. Someone older, and more mature. Alice’s scarf blew across her face as she stood up and told Luke that she had already emptied her drawer out of his apartment this morning, and that she thought it was best that he didn’t try and call her.

It had been 26 days of depression, and Luke is desperate to feel an emotion again. But how can I, he thinks, when everything I did revolved around Alice? Alice…

Luke stands up from his couch suddenly and fells the urge to slap himself across the face. This is getting ridiculous. Alice had moved on long ago, and he needs to as well.

Grabbing his coat and scarf, Luke walks out of his apartment and hails the nearest taxi. It is a cold December evening, and he is ready to start something new.

He sits back in the seat of the taxi as he thinks about his requested destination. The Central Park Ice Rink is the most popular spot in the whole city for couples, and it had been Alice’s favorite spot too. Maybe if he goes there, and sits on his favorite bench, all of this pain and hurt will go away.

Isabelle feels apprehensive as she laces up her skates and buttons her bright red peacoat against the bitter wind. She has never ice skated, and no matter how many times Alison reassures her that it’s easy, that anyone can do it, she still feels nervous. Telling herself that it’s not a big deal, Isabelle stands up, wobbles over to the edge of the ice, and carefully steps out. Moving slowly, she glides on one foot, than on another. A wide smile appears on her face as she realizes that yes-she is doing it! This accomplishment lasts about five more seconds, until Isabelle loses her balance and falls flat on her face in the ice. Alison spots her from across the ice and races over to help.

Face burning red, Isabelle wants nothing more at that moment than to get off the ice and take those damn skates off. She is picturing her apartment, where she is curled up in a cozy sweater and reading Pride and Prejudice. She would like nothing more at that moment to be there.

Alison and Isabelle go behind the rink and purchase hot chocolates at the vendor. Isabelle spots a free bench- the second from the vendor- and leads Alison to a seat. The girls are both sitting in silence, enjoying the hot drinks and each other’s company, Isabelle points to a man running up the path. Both girls giggle as he races up the sidewalk, giving a quick nod to the hot chocolate vendor, whom he seems to know. Isabelle notes that he has slowed, and is now walking with purpose, and he seems to be heading right for their bench.

Isabelle now feels confused. He looks young, and quite good looking. Has she seen him before?

The moment he gets out of the taxi, Luke feels the urge to run. And run he does. Arms pumping, chest puffing, Luke sprints to his bench. As he rounds the corner he sees two girls already sitting on it. At first, Luke feels disappointed. This is supposed to be his place to think. Maybe he can politely ask those girls to move. As he nods to Ned, the drink vendor, he sees that one of the girls is looking at him, forehead scrunched up as if in deep thought. She had petite features, he notes, and is wearing a bright red coat. Her gloved hands are clutching a hot chocolate as she stares at him.

Luke is confused. Does he know her from somewhere?

As the young man walks towards her, Isabelle is ignoring whatever Alison is saying as she combs her mind in an attempt to place who this boy is. Who is he?

Luke scrapes his mind as he walks toward her, trying to place her. Who is she?

The pair lock eyes.

Isabelle smiles-a shy smile at first, one that quickly grows into a wider one when he returns it. I don’t know him, but I would like to.

Luke grins outright at the girl’s shy smile, causing hers to grow. I don’t know her, but I would like to.

Isabelle stands as Luke approaches the bench. She hands her cup to a startled Alison, and tucks a loose strand of hair behind her ear before sticking out her hand to Luke.



A/N: maybe I cheated a little. There is a tiny bit of dialogue, but it's only at the end, and it honestly was necessary to end this scene. And I guess I cheated a little posting today, because I'm 15 minutes late. Sue me, haha. 

Dedication goes out to one of my best friends, Emily! She doesn't have a Wattpad, but she came up with the origional idea, and she helped pick out the names for Isabelle, Alison, and Luke. Thanks Emi! 

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