Chapter 12

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When the authorities arrived at 11:00am the next morning I wasn't quite ready to go. I knew I should've gotten up earlier, or packed my stuff the night before but it was so much easier to just lie in bed and pretend it was all just a dream. The only reason I got up in the end was because my mum had gotten together a small and over emotional goodbye party which consisted of herself and my 3 school friends. My "friends" had surrounded me and had started crying and fussing, saying how much they were going to miss my company and how it wouldn't be the same with out me. To be honest they would probably all just get a new friend within days of me being gone. I didn't believe a word they said. After they'd left, mum held me for a while and told me to do my best and that she loved me, no matter what. We stayed like that for a while before she left me alone to pack, which I did in a hurry because it was already 10:30.
Once I was done I still had a few minutes left, so i sat on my bed and thought about the past weeks events. There was the Party. There was signing up. There was being chosen. There was... Finn... And there was Ellie.
They were the 2 people I needed to see the most, and they hadn't turned up.

So when the authorities turned up, at 11:00 on the dot i was still wondering if i'd get to say goodbye to either of them.
I grabbed my headphones and iPod off the table, put them in my pocket and slowly shuffled outside.
The 2 men in black suits stood still with their arms crossed as I approached.
They glanced at my small suitcase of belongings and then back up at me. "You ready?" The taller one grunted.
I was just about to nod when a car came spinning around the corner. I recognized it almost immediately. Finn?
"Wait," I said to the authorities and ran up to where the car had just parked outside my neighbors house.
They spun around, surprised I would dare tell them to wait. I knew it wasn't a good idea to keep them waiting, but how could I leave without saying goodbye? Even after last nights events...
When I got to the car I saw that there wasn't 1 but 2 figures inside. I started to grin as they climbed out of the car.
"Aria!" Shouted Ellie.
She ran up to me and hugged me. She then released me and took a step back. "Ugh. I can't believe your wearing that top. Today is a special occasion you know!"
I laughed and smiled.
"You're late," I replied.
Ellie shrugged and pointed to Finn. "It's all his fault. God, he spends longer in the bathroom than I do! Now I'm going to back up and give you 2 space because Finn told me everything and you need to work something out!"
Ellie winked and walked around to the other side of the car.

"Hey..." Finn said and i ran up and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around me and I breathed in his familiar scent. "I thought you weren't going to say goodbye..." I whispered. Finn shrugged. "Me? Nah... But about yesterday..."
"I'm sorry..." I interrupted. "I'm sorry for running I just didn't know what to do and I just everything that's happening and I think I like you but I can't and..." Finn hushed me and pulled me closer.
"It's ok. I know the situation isn't the best but i just want you to know that I love you and you can at least stay alive for me. Once you've done that, i'll figure something out. Don't worry."

There was a cough from behind us. "We ain't got all day, princess," one of the guys growled. I turned back to Finn who just smiled.
"One last thing," he whispered, and he leaned down and kissed me.
"Couldn't leave without doing that," he whispered cheekily.
I just stood there, swaying slightly.
"Come on!" The same guy shouted, and I had no choice but to slowly walk away. Finn stood there for a while before getting in the car with Ellie. They both waved sadly as they drove off and I was left alone with the 2 guys in suits.
"Get in the car," they growled and I had no choice but to obey, pulling my suitcase in with me.


Sorry for not updating in a while and I'm sorry it's a bit rushed! But thanks to all the people who have read this far.
Thanks for all the support and I love you all!

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