Broken Heart

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Well you can probably tell from the title my heart was broken by the guy I love. I told him that I like a guy and he knew it was already and he said "Your not my boyfriend, your his boyfriend." I still love him but he the reason he broke up with me was because he feels that I don't love him anymore (which I still love him from the bottom of my shoes to the tip of my head) and also because he loves me so much that he wants me to be happy even if it's not with him. But that is the thing, I want to be happy with him, he is like the best thing that literally ever happened to me, EVER. He also broke up with me because he feels that he will break my heart again, but if he just have at least a little hope maybe he wouldn't. Then when I talked to the other guy he said he wanted to be friends with benefits, and I didn't know what to say so I just said ok. I will get Askook (btw Askook is the guy that broke up with me) back no matter how long it will take or how difficult it will be,I will fight for our love, YES that is just how much I love him.

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