Chapter 18

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Pretty long chapter today, Hope you guys like it. ❤

It's been a few days since Skye threatened you. Telling Ryan didn't seem like a great idea at the time, but now you're really considering it.

Everyones at your house, again, including Skye.

She's all over him so it'd be tough trying to get him alone so you can talk to him about it.

Your mind flashes back to the bitch that killed your mom. The same person who was stalking you.

They haven't done anything in a while, so maybe, maybe, theres something good happening on top of all this garbage.

"___?" you hear in the familiar thick Italian accent. "It's your turn.."

Pulling yourself from your thoughts, you look up at everyone. Oh yeah, you were playing jenga.

You exhale deeply, and carefully, very carefully, slide a block out.
The tower shifts and sways...

Then settles.

You sigh in relief and go back to thinking. Who's sick enough to do that, then just disappear?

Then that thought is interuppted by the sound of wood blocks hitting the hard wood floor.

You force yourself to laugh with everyone else.


"I'm hungrrryyy!" cried of Skye, leaning against the counter.

"Pizza?" Felix suggests and everyone nods agreeingly. Ryan's in the bathroom. Hope he likes pizza.

"___, wanna come with?" says Marzia

Shaking your head you answer, "No, I'll stay, you guys go and I'll pay you back?"

"Alright...come on guys." She smiles brightly. Her, Felix, and Skye leave to go get the food.

You sit down on the couch and turn on the tv to wait for them to come back.

The toilet flushes and Ryan comes out, obviously confused. "Where the hell is everyone?"

"Getting pizza." You dont take your eyes off the tv.

"Ah. Hope they get just cheese."

He plops into the couch beside you, causing the couch to shift.

Theres a long awkward silence, with only the dialogue of Sherlock to keep it from being dead quiet.

"___?" Ryan says, piercing the quiet.


"Are you okay? You seem distant." He sits up a bit and turns facing you on the couch with his legs crossed.

You furrow your eyebrows at him, "What?"

"Are you okay?"

"What?" you say again, "Yeah, I'm fine."

You shake your head like thats a dumb questions. He takes his mask off, since no ones around.

"You just seem distant." He repeats.

You sigh in defeat, "Remember when...that..stuff....happened?" he nods, so you continue. "Why did it just stop? I mean, I'm glad it did was sudden."

He shrugs, "I don't know. I almost forgot about it. Has anything happened? Is that why you're worried?"

"No. No, I was just thinking about it."

He grabs your hand, you feel every nerve ending in them react at once, and your face heat up. His cheeks are a little red.

"I'm sure it will be okay.." he smiles, "No one else has been hurt yet, yeah? And whoever it was seems to be on the down low."

You exhale and smile a little. "Yeah, yeah. You're right."

He leans over and pecks your cheek before connecting your lips.

Everytime he kisses you, it feels like a fire in your stomach. A good fire. Its good. Really good.

When he finally pulls away, the door swinga open and he quickly fumbles to pull on his mask.

"We have pizza!" Shouts Felix, even though he's right there. At the door.

"THATS COOL, I SEE THAT!!" You shout back, louder, just to mock him.

He narrows his eyes then rolls them, setting the pizza boxes on the coffee table.

"Let's eat I'm starving. " You say, opening the top box. Sure enough, it's cheese.

You feel like someones watching you now. Maybe just because you talked about those look up to see Skye looking at you. She smiles with the bottom half of her face, but the top half reads something far more sinister. But you cant tell what.

                     ??? POV

Look at them. Enjoying what they have. Their friendship, their love, eachother.

It makes me sick. She's rubbing it in my face. I know she is.

She's dangling him in front of me, like he's fresh meat and I'm a lion.

Well I'm here, ___.

I'm close. I'm dangerously close.

And you're not ready for when I pounce.

I'm going to pounce.

And you're not ready...

                  Ryans POV

I hope Skye and ___ sorted this all out. I really hope they did.

Skye's great and all, but I think...

I think maybe I love ___.

I wouldnt tell her that. Not yet. Not soon. Are we even dating? We haven't talked about it. We haven't even been on a date.

I look up and see Skye smiling at ___, and she smiles back.

I guess everythings alright.

I sigh in relief, allowing myseld to smile under my mask before i push it up over my top lip, taking a bite of pizza.

                    Your POV

You still feel uneasy as you eat. And after, and after everyone leaves. And while you're in the shower, and while you're laying in bed. You eventually turn your bedside lamp on, for a bit of comfort.

Why am I so scared?

You sigh loudly and roll over on to your stomach, sticking your face into the pillow.

No one else has been hurt yet, yeah?

Cry's voice plays through your head.

No. No, not yet, you mentally respond.

"I just have a really bad feeling about this." You speak into your pillow, like it will answer, soother your worries.

Then you roll back onto your back, then set up.

"A really bad feeling." You speak to the room.

You get up, feeling the carpet tickle the bottom of your bare feet. You walk to the window and look out.

It's dark, obviously. There's condensation on the outside of the glass, your nose is cold against it. You sigh into the window, making a cloud of your breath on it. Wiping it away with your sleeve, you crawl back into bed and turn off your lamp.

You close your eyes and fall asleep.

                     ??? POV

I'm close.

And you're not ready.

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