A Flawed Imprint or Destiny? ~ A Twilight One-Shot

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Synopsis: Everything seemed to be going back in place. Bella and Edward were a happy vampire couple with a child, Jacob was glad to have his best friend and his new imprint close, Seth was complete in his new pack. But then everything started falling apart. Alice and Jasper left. Carlisle called vampire friends of his from every corner of the globe to testify as witnesses for Renesmee. And among them, came Maggie. And that was when Seth's world was flipped completely upside down.  

(Takes place during Breaking Dawn, after Alice had the vision of Irina going to the Volturi, the same morning the Irish coven arrives at the Cullen's house)

- Seth's POV -

A few weeks ago, I would have never believed that by my own Alpha's orders, I would patrol the Cullens' house! But then again, my Alpha isn't Sam anymore, and staying away from the leeches and guarding our territory isn't our priority. It's funny how things can change in so little time. How much people can change in so little time.

Bella is now a vampire.

She and Edward have a daughter. Renesmee.

Jacob imprinted; on their daughter.

He's a different man since Renesmee's birth. I remembered the awful things he had called the baby that was sucking away Bella's life. I knew that if the Cullens and I – my sister, Leah, wouldn't bother, didn't care – hadn't kept Jacob away from the baby, Renesmee wouldn't have time to blink twice before he killed her. It seemed to take forever before I found out what had really happened. I thought he lost it. When he phased back, all I could do was ask what happened and if everyone was alright... And just then it hit me that he was happy. That he had found his imprint. Ironically, in the person he used to hate the most.

And then Alice left. She had a vision of the Volturi coming for Renesmee and fled with Jasper. Things are pretty messed up right now, yet my Alpha is deliriously happy. Go figure.

Thanks for the summary of the last few weeks, Seth, but no need for it! Leah snapped as she sped up and ran right in front of me.

What's your problem, Leah?

We know how the story goes. Jacob is the happy imprinter with his happy little leech half-breed imprintee; I am miserable and Seth is the wolf who is happy that some wolves get along with the Cullens after all and he gets to hang out with the mindreading bloodsucker, she thought bitterly.

What's wrong with you again?

She stopped running and froze on the spot, lifting her head and sniffing the air. I came behind her and searched for the smell that was interesting enough to shut up my sister.

Bloodsuckers, she said and shook her head as if she was trying to shake away something. Probably the scent.

It's vampires, Leah, I corrected her.

Bloodsuckers, she continued. New ones.

Oh, no. Do you think it's them? The Volturi were here so soon? Alice had talked about snow. It hadn't snowed yet. We had plenty of rain, that's true, but it was not snowy. Not at all. Not yet. Had she missed it with her vision? So not like Alice.

Let's go and find out. She sprinted through the path, and ran all the way to the road. I was close behind her but I couldn't reach her. She was just a gray, four-legged flash in front of me. She was faster than I was. She was almost as fast as Jacob.

I'm faster than Jacob, actually.

Whatever, Lee. I hadn't used her nickname for a long time. Actually, I hadn't used it since dad died. He was the one who had thought it up and when I was little and couldn't say Leah, I called her Lee instead. I saw a picture of dad flashing through her head but soon it was gone and I could only see my sister, almost crawling on the damp floor, hiding under the thick ferns and bushes as she looked for the vampires.

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