Chapter 1

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"Marionette! Boss! Your clothing line has reached its goal! Your clothing line is rated highest off all lines (IDK what fashion crud like is so stop judging me!)" celebrated my assistant-- and intern, Olive. My names Marionette, I'm 25 years of age, and I'm a very famous and popular designer; but I'm also a popular super hero in the city of love-- Paris. Funny, though I live in the city of love, I, Marionette Dupain-Cheng, have never dated anyone.

"That's amazing, Olive!" I squealed with joy, picking up the 14 year old girl, and swinging her in circles. Olive was like a daughter to me, she had been my intern for about 2 years now, since she won a defining contest at her school. "I'm so happy for you Marionette! I'm not surprised, though! You're the best! You're so kind and creative! Not to mention a genius!" Olive complemented, still hugging me.
"Don't be silly, Olive, you did great too! You made all my designs perfect, with your sweet little touches!" I claimed, honestly, smiling. "Thank you!" She blushed happily, and clapped, jumping up and down. I love Olive, mainly because she reminded me of myself, when I was her age.
She was easily obsessed, and had a lot of potential, and needed someone to push her along, so she could be brave enough to get to her full potential. She was smart and creative, and was an up-rising designer, and she was going to be at the top one day.

I loved Olive, and cared for her like she was my own. Olive was an orphan, her and her twin brother that is. I've always wanted to adopt the two of them, since I already thought of them as my children, but I wanted to wait until I started dating, so that they already had someone who could be similar to a father for them. Their parents died a while ago, when they were much younger, about 3 years of age, in... in an akuma attack...

We were fighting Hawkmoth, out on the streets, when it happened. Hawkmoth had thrown a car at us, but it went just over our heads, hitting the two people behind us. The mother was an designer while the father was a teacher in math and science at the highest university Paris had. He was top professor, and his wife was a designer to remember in the fashion industry...

"Marionette!" Someone called from behind, I turned around to see, my best friend Alya. Alya was now a huge and very popular journalist with a new blog; it wasn't about Ladybug and Chat Noir anymore, because they were no longer here- well, I meet up with him sometimes, in costume, but Hawkmoth gave up when we went off to college.

"Hey, Alya! What's up?" I asked as she walked into the room. "I thought you were coming to the high school reunion? It's in like, 20 minutes." She laughed. "GAH! Okay! I'm coming!" I panicked, grabbing all my purse--with Tiki inside, and waved to Olive. "I'll be back home in a little while! You and your brother can make some Mac & cheese if you get hungry, or you can go somewhere-- or if you want, if it's not late, I can pick you something up-" Alya pulled me out the door "TEXT ME WHAT YOU WANT!" I yelled, as I closed the door, and got into Alyas car.

Alya began to laugh. "What's so funny?" I asked her buckling my seat. "It's just that, were 35 now, and you still end up being late for everything, like when you were a kid!" She continued to laugh, as I rolled my eyes, and punched her arm. "Let's just go!" I begged, trying to get out of being teased.

Soon, we got to the high school we went to as kids. As we walked in, I remembered every akuma Chat and I ever fought, I know Alya did too, because she was taking pictures of everything. "I remember every single spot LB and Chat fought at, and every akuma they fought!" She squealed with joy, as we walked in.

I remembered two other things from coming here as a kid, I remember all the spots that Chloe bullied me, and all the spots I talked to Adrien. I wasn't scared to talk to any of our class mates, honestly. I wasn't afraid to talk to Chloe, I wasn't afraid to talk to Adrien. It had been 20 years since I last talked to him, I didn't like him anymore, I was ready for him to be a friend.

We stepped in, and saw all the people in our class. Melyn and Ivan were both wrapped around each other waist, Kim and Alix were playing thumb war, then when akin lost, Alix kissed him (adorable) and Alya ran over to talk to Nino, their noses being rubbed against each other, and every so often, Nino would kiss her flattened lips. I went over to Ivan and Melyn, and talked to them for a while. They said that they were now a duet, and had a lot of albums. They said their music was like Rock and sweet, and some how they made it work.

Soon, Kim and Alix came and joined our conversation. "So Marionette, I heard your top charted designer right now! How's that going?" Kim asked, lying and arm on Alixs shoulders, holding her close. "Great, actually! I have two foster kids living with me, twins, and one of them is my intern. She's what got me where I am." "That's great!" "So are you two a couple?" "Yes, actually! We got married about 11 years ago!" "Really? That's great!" "How about you? Are you married yet, or just dating?" "Well, I'm not in a relationship. I'm just not seeing the right guy for me."  "Dang girl, there's only two people here who are single.  You and Adrien."  "Well, that's okay.  We're just takin our time."  "Maybe you two should hook up!  Like you wanted when we were in Middle school and High school."  Alix laughed as her and Kim walked off.

I sat alone for a bit, eating a piece of cake, and read some emails for work, until someone came and sat across from me.  "Hey Marionette!  It's been a while!  I've only seen you on magazines!"  Laughed an almost familiar, but more mature voice, as I looked up.  It was Adrien.  I smiled, and waved. "Haha, thanks!  It has been a while, hasn't it?"  He still looked as good as he did when he was younger, but more mature.  I didn't like him, but he still looked like a model. 

"So what have you been up to, lately?"  He asked me, looking me in the eyes.  "Well, mainly just work; but I do have two foster kids at my house that I've been spending a lot of time with."  "Really?  What are their names?"  "Olive and Oliver, they're twins."  "Really?  I know those two!  They go to the school I volunteer at!"  "Really?  It surprises me, because I tell them a lot about my childhood."  "But we didn't hang out much as kids."  "Well, I had a huuuuge crush on you.  That's why I was always shuttering and all red.  I was pretty awkward."  I laughed as he blushed a bit, and laughed along.  "Yeah, I guess a lot of girls did.  I wish some people liked me for me, and not as a model..." "Well, the reason why I liked you, was because of your looks."  "O-Oh."  Adrien laughed awkwardly.  "Just kidding, I started liking you after you gave me that umbrella.  I still have it."  "Really?  Why?"  "You were the first person to stand up for me.  Other than Alya, but... it felt nice," he sat there in slight awe, as I continued "I thought you were a great person because you cared about other people's feelings, and you were kind.  Who would have thought a model would be like that?"  I finished, smiling.
  He sat there for a moment, in silence.  "Well, that fact explains a lot.  I thought you were scared of me as a kid."  I laughed, and smiled.  "So how's your life with Chloe?"  "Wha- no!  We're not together."  "O-Oh, sorry, I thought you were-". "No, no, I'm still single.  How long have you been married?"  "Actually, I've never been in a real date.  I mean, Alya sets me up with guys all the time, but, I never liked anyone."  "Me too, Ninos always trying to set me up with someone new.  I never liked any of the though."  "You'd think one of the 'hottest models' would be married by now."  "Nag, they're all into my model side, I'm waiting for someone who'll actually like me."  "Oh, well that makes sense."  "I've also always had a thing for Ladybug."  My eyes popped.  He'd always been into Ladybug!?  "Really?!"  "Yeah, guess that's a fantasy, but I really liked her."  W-Why?"  "She was so brave, and kind, and heroic.  She always wanted to make sure things were taken care of, especially when I flirted with her..."  "You-You flirted with her!?"  "No, I'm kidding."  Adrien started to sweat a little, but I didn't pay attention to that.

  We talked for 2 more hours, continuing to laugh, and giggle, tell our opinions about certain things... it was... it was fun.  After the two hours, Nino and Alya went up to the stage to get everyone's attention.  "Hey, everyone!  Listen for a moment!  I have something to tell you all!"  Nino said into the mic.  Alya looked confused, she started to head off the stage, but Nino grabbed her hand, and when she turned around, he was on one knee, and holding out a ring.  All the girls awed, as Alya gasped, holding her free hand up against her mouth.
  Nino blushed, as he ask,"Alya?  Will you... will you marry me?"  She stood there staring at him in disbelief.  When she hadn't spoken for at least a minute, Nino began to sweat up a storm.  She started to laugh, and kissed him, as everyone started to clap for them.

I heard my phone buzz, then stuck it back in my pocket.  "I have to go get some food for my kids."  I said starting to stand up.  "See you at the wedding."  "See you at the wedding."  I waved, and walked out the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2016 ⏰

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