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Run run run just look at me go

I'm a butcher boy outta Bergamo

Anybody there can tell ya my name

Banned from the town not feelin' no shame

'Cuz I ain't no Sandrone pocket-fulla-silver

I pilfer what I want and I want what I pilfer

Run run run just look at me go

Eat my dust ya Roman sbirro

Leap street to street in a single bound

'Cuz baby I know my way around

Ain't guilty of nothin' nobody can see

'Fore they figger't out I turn and flee

So run run run as fast as ya can

Ya can't catch me I'm the run-away man

For he who fights and runs away

Lives to fight another day

Laugh, Clowns, LaughTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang