The Remainders Oneshot

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This is based on the story The remainders written by my friend trigger793 

Anyways, read that first.


Tessa POV:

Before the apocalypse, she had lived a happy life. 

She had a wonderful mom and dad, and was very close with her sister. She was smart, with good grades and all honors classes. She had a best friend named Hannah and another friend named Sean, Hannah's neighbor. They had been friends since 7th grade.

One day, her perfect little world was shattered. 

They had been in History when the world started to end. To this day, she still wasn't quite sure what had happened, which sucked because she was supposed to be smart. 

While the school ran out screaming, Tessa clung to Hannah's arm for dear life. She didn't want to be alone, she wouldn't be alone. Finally, they made it outside and found Sean in the chaos. The three of them stumbled around, trying to make a plan, something, but they just couldn't.

They found Joe and Kris a few weeks later. 

They had food and water, and Joe even had a pistol. Sean and Hannah were grateful, but Tessa didn't trust them. She had hoped that the one, Joe, would eventually realize she wasn't going to be bossed around, but he didn't. She was sure the others were tired of their daily fights. 

They had been wandering for weeks when they finally met Damian. He seemed nice enough and didn't boss her around or threaten to shoot her with a pistol like Joe did or follow Joe's every order like some kind of lapdog like Kris. He also didn't try and play Switzerland like Hannah and Sean. 

She hoped to hell this new guy was right it taking them to New Orleans. Or else there all screwed.


Hoped you enjoyed! This is just something that came into my head that I thought would be a cool story. Go check out the original!

-Kit :)

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