Rainbow Waffle

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~Rainbow Waffle~

Yes, you have guessed it. I have found something odd in my house.

Not of the norm, such as mold, my foot, or even a mouse.

You may think you are sure of what I have found.

Is it a pile, a hill, or maybe a mound?

You snicker and laugh because you know what I see.

You think it is something that is edible by me.

But no, I am certain you surely are wrong.

Just listen up closely, and stop playing ping pong.

Fine, I shall tell you what it is that I see.

It is something odd on the ground. Oh look, its a little pink bunny.

Of course it is not your everyday, cute bunny.

It just sits there drinking its cool lemon tea.

So why do I tell you this pointless little poem.

Well I thought I should share what I found in my home.

Ok, I can't watch you sit there drooling so idle.

I'll tell you why I picked my uberly awesome title.

One day, I fallowed this bunny twenty-four hours long.

All it would do was hop around and sing its little song.

Until this time it hopped before a door.

Well this could be interesting, maybe it be a store.

A towering man threw open the door.

He yelled and he screamed, and I couldn't take much more.

But then he saw the little pink bunny, and knew that he'd been so terribly awful.

So he crouched down, and handed it a rainbow colored waffle.

So now you know why I have chosen what you've read.

The small little bunny eats rainbow colored bread.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2009 ⏰

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