Chapter 1 - Prologue

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Ty's P.O.V.

"Mom? Dad?" I said as I went in the house, closing the front door. "I'm back from school!" I yelled happily, jumping a little. No answer... Where could they be? 'Maybe they're still at work' I thought and shrugged.

I walked upstairs to go to my room, but halfway through the stairs, I smelled something familiar... I can't really tell what it is though...

As I walked further and further to my room, the scent grew stronger... Is it... No... I must be imagining things...

When I walked in my room, I just... "Mom..? Dad..?"

There they were. Dead. Right in front of my eyes. Blood, that thick, red liquid, surrounding them. They weren't breathing nor moving, like I said, they were dead. Just, gone.

"MOMMY! DADDY!" I yelled, running towards their dead bodies... "Who... Who would do this to you..? A-and why..?" I asked to no one in particular, sobbing uncontrollably.

Suddenly, I saw something green glow in my dad's hands. I quickly snatched it, and gasped. It was a set of black and green headphones, it even has a little mic on it. It was... Beautiful really...

I put it on, and I heard... My parents' voice.

"Tyler, if you're hearing this... I-it means we d-died..." Dad's voice said. "Look Tyler, don't worry, just go and run. Right now. You have to hide, there's someone chasing you down. Go hide in a friend's house or something, just go!" My mom's voice yelled, crying.

I nodded, as if I was actually talking to them, grabbed my school bag, fill it with some clothes and other stuff, and ran outside. I still kept the headphones on... It was really beautiful so why throw it away?

To be honest, I have no idea where I was going. Most of my friends moved away when I was younger... Oh well, I'll just hide in the woods or something... I really don't know.

After like, half an hour of running and thinking... I got really tired and I have no idea what to do at this point. I have no where to go... No where to hide... I'm just...


Tears started to form in my eyes.

I give up. I quit. I have no idea what to do now.

So I just sat in an alleyway, and cried.

Jason's P.O.V.

"Mama's boy!" The bully yelled one more time, slapping me. Soon enough, he left.

Yes, I get bullied... All the time. It's only because I like astronauts and I'm... Let's just say not straight. It's kind of rude how people judge others' sexuality. Just let me love someone I actually love, okay? And I know I'm pretty young to say that I'm not straight, but... Yeah...

Anyways, after the bully left, I got my backpack, and stood up. I nearly fell back down since my legs were beaten up so much. But I'm pretty used to this.

Since I just felt like breaking down, again, I slowly walked to the alleyway I always go to when I'm feeling sad. I always felt safe there even though its an alleyway and anybody could kidnap me any second.

When I got to the alleyway, I could hear someone crying...

"Hello?" I asked, walking around the alleyway. "Show yourself!" The person said. He sounds pretty young. I walked around again, and saw him.

He had dark brown-ish hair and bangs covering his left eye, he wore a white shirt, jeans, and black and purple shoes, he also used black bracelets, one on each arm. He looked about my age... But what caught my attention the most was his glowing green headphones.

"Who are you?" I asked curiously.

"I... I'm uh... Ty." He said, standing up and holding up his hand. "I'm Jason!" I exclaimed happily, shaking his hands. Even if I get bullied, I'm still a happy, cheery boy sometimes. You can't let one little thing change your life, y'know?

"So Jason, why are you here?" Ty asked curiously, I frown. "Oh sorry! I didn't mean to make yo-" "It's okay, you were just curious. And actually, I always go here whenever I feel depressed and stuff... Well, I... I get bullied in school... Just cause I like astronauts and technology..." I said sadly, I skipped the part of um... My sexuality... I don't want another person hating me.

"Wow... I feel your pain, dood." "Dood? And what..?" I asked.

"Well, I also get bullied a lot in school... And dood means dude! And if you're curious why I'm here, it's cause..." He said, but trailed off. He looked down sadly. "Hey, if it's something personal, and if you don't want to tell me, don't. You barely know me anyways." I said with a smile. "But you seem really nice! I want to tell you!" He yelled jokingly, crossing his arms to make it look like he's angry.

I laughed for the first time in years. Soon, he laughed too.

After we calmed down, "So, shouldn't you be home with your parents or something?" Ty asked curiously. I frowned, and shaked my head.

'I... I don't have parents... They... They left me..." I said quietly, crying. Ty gasped and hugged me. I felt my cheeks getting hotter, but I hugged him back anyways, "H-hey it's okay... My p-parents are gone too... That's actually why I'm here..." He said quietly, crying himself.

"Oh wow... I'm sorry." "It's okay, at least we found some things in common." He said with a chuckle, pulling away. I chuckled too. 'Wait a minute..."

"Hey since um... We're technically orphans and stuff... Wanna live with me and my friends? All of us live in a pretty big house." I suggested.

"I would love to!" He exclaimed, grinning ear to ear."Great! Let's go!" I yelled happily, a huge smile on my face.

"Let's do dis!"

A/N: CUZ I CAN! LOL I had to edit this. Why? Cuz... Potatoes.


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