Chapter 1

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Dedication goes to lovebiteeee for the amazing image on the right!


It’s a good thing I actually like waking up early since otherwise school starts at an ungodly hour, especially for teenagers. Even though I’m only fifteen, today is actually my first day in eleventh grade. My parents put me in kindergarten early since my older brother had already started school and they thought it was a waste of money to keep paying a babysitter for another year. I actually only would have missed the cut off date by a couple of weeks, but by putting me in instead of holding me back for a year, my parents altered how I interact with my peers and experience all of my milestones. There are two major things that suck about my parents’ decision. First, everyone in my class, including two of my best friends, went through their change last year. That means that they now share something that I’m not a part of – they go on runs together in their wolf forms and they are privy to more of the pack business since they’re seen as “adults.” Second, all of the juniors already have their licenses, while I need to rely on my parents or friends to get me anywhere. I’m sure I would have complained if my parents had held me back, because then I would have changed earlier than practically everyone my year, but I have a feeling that my situation now sucks more.

Geez, I must be feeling down today since I keep ragging on myself. It must be the first day of school blues. I head inside my house after my run and grab a hot shower. I’m half-tempted to put on some makeup and a really killer outfit as a pick-me-up, but I settle for dark wash skinny jeans, a black top with a huge bow on my left shoulder, and black flats – dressy but not too obvious. I grab my bag and head to the kitchen for a quick bite before Matt and Lindy come to get me.

The three of us have been best friends since kindergarten, but I’ve been feeling kind of left out for the past couple of months since Lindy changed back in March and started hanging out more with Matt doing werewolf “things.” I’m not jealous precisely, since I know I’ll be included in all of those things once I hit sixteen, it’s just a little lonely right now because I can’t share as much about myself and my life with my human friends. Plus, after their change, both Matt and Lindy reached their full physical potential, which means they’re faster and stronger and their senses are much better - just another reason to feel like I’m no longer “in” our small circle.

Certain werewolves also have other abilities that are unique to them. They’re not common – depending on the size of the pack, there are usually only a handful in each generation. Lindy found out that she can talk to animals. It’s a pretty cool ability, except that she says she feels guilty every time she goes out to hunt. She tries to keep it on the down low so only her family, Matt and I know about it. Oh, and the Alpha since technically you’re supposed to inform him if you have any special gifts. I don’t know anyone else our age who has an extra ability. Matt doesn’t have any cool powers, but he is a computer whiz, which is awesome for me since I’m basically a technophobe and need to call him whenever my computer freezes.

I don’t have to wait long for the two of them since Matt pulls into my driveway right on time. It takes us twenty minutes to get to school since all werewolves like to live on the outskirts of town. We like our houses to at least border the woods, if not be completely in the middle of them. That usually means werewolves either have pretty crappy, run-down places, or relatively modern constructions. Luckily, my parents grabbed up property in what was an undeveloped area ten years ago, which means we’re surrounded by trees but we also have all of the modern amenities, including huge bedrooms with en suite bathrooms and an amazing, top-of-the-line kitchen. I take one last quick glance at my house before sliding into the back seat of Matt’s car.


“Morning Ceci – you’re looking really cute for our first year as upperclassmen! Finally dressing more like you instead of hiding behind your clothes. I think this may be the first time I’m actually excited to start school. We’re almost at the top of the high school food chain!” Lindy was practically bouncing in her seat and I don't think she took a single breath in that entire rant.

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