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Laura's pov:

"Wake up Laura!" Mum said brightly for a change, "It's twelve thirty already!"

"Ughhhhhhhh" I moaned

"Come on chicken"

"Chicken?" I chorused.

Mum Laughed.

"Why are you so happy?" I asked scratching my head and beginning to wake up.

"Tonight!" she answered, "We're going to our neighbours  house for tea!"

"WHAT?!?" I asked.

"Anne Styles. We were talking before and she invited me. She's a single mother, bless her, but she seems lovely! She's got three boys about your age!"

"Mum I can't go I-"

"Nope! We are going, me, you and your dad. As a family!"

I groaned.

"Don't be so negative, darling! Now get up and shower, you don't want to smell for the boys!" she teased.

"Oh ha ha ha" I said, throwing my pillow at her and walking into the bathroom.

I stripped off and walked into the shower. I'd read love stories about couples having steamy showers together and been put off for life. I mean, everyone thinks its cute but eww. I mean, it's meant to be private, y'know? I prefer baths anyday.

I splashed my face with water and quickly brushed my teeth and hair. Struddling through the knots that I'd just ignored the previous day. Don't get me wrong, I like to look good. But my hair IS A CHORE because of the length. It sits just above my waist.

I walked back into my room and threw on some leggings and a t-shirt. I trotted down stairs for some breakfast, well, if you call burnt toast breakfast and pulled on my pink converse.

"MUUUUUM, where's my phone?!!" I panicked.

"In the car! You left it there the other day!" mum replied.

"Ugh, can you get it for me?" I pleaded.

"No! Get it yourself" Dad butted in.

I trudded outside to get my phone.

I spotted one of the Style's brothers in his front graden. The nerdy one...Marcel, right?

He gulped and nodded at me so I smiled back.

Quite awkwardly, he watched me walk back inside, kind of warily, I giggled at his awkwardness.

He wasn't that 'dangerous', was he?

I remembered what Ellie said 'everyone hates him, become friends with him and everyone will hate you too'

Yes, he was harmless. But the least I needed was everyone hating me.


Mum knocked on the door and a circle of nervousness wrapped around me. A woman answered. It must have been Anne.

"Hi! Come in guys, so lovely to see you!" Anne smiled, she seems alright. But I knew her sons were far from it.

Mum walked in enthusiastically, smiling to brightly.

Dad followed her politely, not as dramatic.

I trudged in behind them giving Anne a weak smile.

She had confused eyes, but gave me a toothy smile back anyway.

There, at the table sat three boys. The geeky one, the gangster one and Ellie's ex.

"These are my sons!" Anne beamed, proudly. But she had nothing to be proud of...

"Edward, Harry and Marcel"

"H-Hi Y-y-ou g-guys I'm Ma-Marcel" He was the very nerdy, nervous one.

I noticed Anne mouthed a 'well done' to him and motioned to her next son.

"I'm Harry, nice to meet you." He gave my parents a smile, then gave a secret wink at me. I threw him a threatening look back and he chuckled to himself.

The other boy just starred at his mother.

"E-Edward..." Anne seemed a little scared of the third son, but I didn't blame her. He was dressed in skin tight black jeans and a black top. He had lip, ear and nose peircings and a threatening gaze to go with them.

"O-okay, well. This is Edward"

He shot an un-readable glance at me, then my parents, then back to his phone.

"Have a seat!" Anne smiled, again. She was too friendly. Like my mother. That's probably why Edward seemed so annoyed with her, but I assumed he was like that all the time.

My mum took a seat opposite Marcel, my dad opposite Edward leaving me opposite Harry.

Anne was left with the place next to both me and Harry.

She went to dish of and everyone uncomforabley sat there, in silence.

"So!" Mum began,  "What are you all interested in?"  My head fell into my hands. I have the worst mother on the planet.

"Is it any of your business?" Edward asked, sarcastically.

Marcel gulped. He was obviously, like his mother, scared of Edward too.

Mum shuffled uncomfortablely.

"Well, uh....Marcel wants to be a clothing designer for music videos, Mrs...." Harry began

"Parter! Mrs Parter!" Mum answered.

"Mrs. Parter! I have dreams of becoming a singer someday, but for now I'm in a bakery, and Edward, well...he doesn't know yet!" Surprisingly Harry didn't laugh at our surname (we have the worst one in the world)

Anne brought in the food after about ten minutes of awkward silence and death stares from Edward.

The food looked delicious, but within the first bite the atmosphere somehow made it revolting.


Hiiiiiiiiiii! I have no idea if anyone is reading this lmao but like I said the first few chapters are a little slow. In the chapter after the next it will get a little more interesting though. so yaaaaaaaaaars ly guys bye

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Sep 08, 2013 ⏰

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