Chapter 5: You did what?

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   It's been about two weeks since I started teaching Lacki to read. He has been doing well in the reading department but then when he tries to pronounce an unknown word he kind of  got tongue tied. I blame it on him being an idiot at heart. There is nothing that I can do about his natural born instincts after all. 

   Right now we are at the mall where I am trying to get him to admit that he peed his bed. So far so good because he is squirming and blushing so hard that he looks like a wiggling glow worm. He has grown so much since he has come to live with me. He has grown fatter and has a nice healthy glow. It's been about two weeks since he has feared me and because of this he has become rebellious. In truth, I love that he has realized that I am not a thereat to him. I hated to see that look of absolute terror on his face when he even sensed that I was near. Don't get me wrong. I still love to torture the kid. I just don't like to scare him. When I look at him I see a boy who had nothing, suddenly have the chance to have something. A boy that when he was given the tools grew to something so big that he surprised even himself. Because all of his life he was told that he was nothing, that he would never be anything, but then he proved them wrong and became something so great that people want to try to be even a smidgen of what he is now. They want to be survivors. They now want to escape the darkness that is reality. 

   Just when I was thinking all of these wonderful thoughts of him... he decided to trip me. On second thought, all I see is nothing but a soon to be spoiled brat who I must now punish. That boy is now mine

   As soon as he trips me he takes off but since I am who I am, I use my powers to take his speed away and immediately catch him. "No fair. You used your powers." he grumbled. 

   "Well who's fault is it that I almost got a concussion? It certainly wasn't mine. And you already know that I don't play fair so don't even try to play that card with me mister." 

   "It's still not fair," he grumbles unhappily. 

   "Life's unfair. Now come on. We still need to get you some new shoes and clothes. I swear you go through clothes like I go through chocolate, and that's saying something."

   We arrive at H&M and buy him about four new pairs of clothing. My favorite was the one that he was currently examining. It was a black t-shirt that said "I am in shape. Round is a shape" along with some black skinny jeans that seem to never wrinkle. Now all we have to do is buy him a new pair of shoes and we are done. 

   Just as we are leaving the store I spot the cutest looking dress ever. It was pink with Ariel on it and it said "Love life because only you can make it worth living." I just had to ruin it. I quickly buy it and then make my way to the art shop. Lacki's shoes will have to wait until I accomplish my mission.  I can here him calling for me to wait up and asking where we were going. Once I'm outside the art store he quickly catches up with me. "Why the hell did you start to run and why the hell did you buy that dress? I thought you hated anything that even brought a smidgen of sunshine into your life," he says out of breath. 

   "You know me so well. Yes I do hate this dress and anything that even remotely resembles it, but that is the whole reason why I bought it. Tell me, did you even stop to wonder why I am outside an art store right after I bought a dress that I wouldn't ever be caught dead wearing or even holding for that matter?"


   "Well then let me educate you my little grasshopper. Since I hate anything that is loving I must destroy it. That is why we are here. I can do whatever the hell I want to it and the people here will even try to help me. Do you get it yet or do I have to explain it to you all over again?" I ask him like he is mentally behind. 

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