school crush

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It was a normal day in school so far, just class after class, but next class was gonna be awesome because you crush, Josh Dun sits right next to you. Bringgggg! The bell rang and everyone was scrambling out. You got your books for next period and got to the room. Only two people were there already, it was Tyler and Jenna. Jenna was your best friend and was dating Tyler, and Tyler was best friends with Josh, so you couldn't really tell her much about you liking him. You sat down at your seat and Jenna just finished up a conversation so she could talk to you. "Hey (y/n), how you've been?" She asked.
"Fine, this class is my favorite of today. Every day actually."
"Why? I'm in first period with you, don't you like that class too?" Jenna had a tone in her voice, like a feeling of betrayal.
"No, I love that class to, only that in this class, my crush sits next to me." You said it. Now she knows you like Josh, you just wanted to sit in the corner and cry.
"Well you might be happy at what I was gonna tell you." She said. You were scared, what could be so grand that you like?
"So your know how Josh is Tyler's best friend, right?"
"Yeah, and?"
"He tells everything to him, and he said that he likes you!"
"Your fucking with me Jenna, I know it." You knew this was to good to be true.
"No I'm not! He was gonna tell it to you today, but I don't know if it's by note or speech." She utters.
"Okay, shut up though, people are coming in."
Then you saw him, walking in, his dyed hair and nose ring pointing out all of his features. But you could stare for long, so you looked at Mrs. Anaur. "Now class today...." Blah blah blah is all you could her because you were too anxious about Josh. Later in class while everyone was doing work and Mrs. Anaur went to to office to print papers,Josh handed you a note, now you were really scared. You opened it up and it said 'Hey (y/n), I just wanna say something that's been on my mind for a while, well, I like you. Like, like-like you. A lot. So I was wondering if you would like to be my girlfriend. That's it. ~Josh' you felt like it was all a dream you pinched yourself and apparently it was not a dream. You just wrote back
'Met me at the auditorium during lunch'
*time skip to lunch*
"You got a note! You got a note!" Jenna kept repeating, you told her all about it and what you wrote and what he wrote.
"Yeah yeah. Let me get my Subway and I'll see you later hater." You said. You got you subway sandwich from you backpack and headed for the auditorium. On the way there you though about how good of friends you guys are. You two would talk sometimes while heading to Mrs. Anaur's class, walk together home everyday because he lives on the corner of the block right next to your block, and eat together
during lunch together. Their it was the auditorium. You walked in to see no one there. You sat down where he would
definitely see you.
'Am I really doing this?' You thought while taking a bite of you sandwich. You then hear the door open to see Josh with a burger king bag. He noticed you and ran over to where you were sitting and sat next to you. You set your sandwich down and stood up.
"Stand up." You told him. He did so and you hugged him.
He hugged back. It was amazing. You two hugged for a minute or so and you said
"Of course I would be you girlfriend." Then you push your lips into his and stayed like that. You two then head cheering in the back, it was Tyler and Jenna.
They had a camera too.
You were gonna kill her.
"Come here Jenna!" You said , running to her.
"Sorry! I just had to!" She said you two giggled and walked to were you and Josh were sitting. Same with Tyler and Josh, only that Tyler brought the bag of Mc Donalds he and Jenna were eating. You all sat together, eating and talking. Your hand was interloked with Josh's. The bell rang and you all said bye, except you and Jenna because you had the next class together. Today was the best day ever.

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