Chapter7-meeting all my summonings

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After lee was shipped off to the hospital by guy kakashi and I talked about.. well everything I learned in the past 24 hours. Then he left to go to the hokage. I turn to the tiger that I'd summoned and Said. "Who exactly are you?" "I am Aooni." She said with a soothing voice. I am one of your many summons there is also Cerberus he is a dog with three heads who is the same size as me and his flames are fire when mine are ice and water. then there's Hakishi the serpent also the same size as me and her flames are made of lightning, Then you've got sukī he is a griffin also the same size as us and he has wind flames and then last but probably the most dangerous of all of us the shadow Wolfpack! They are a pack of wolves that are the same size as all of us but there made of shadows and that is what makes them so dangerous. "Oh ok can I meet all of them?" I asked. "Yes just do the summoning jutsu again and call out all of our names, but get rid of all of us and replenish your chakra completely before you try to summon the Wolfpack because they might try to kill everything and everyone in sight before they meet you!" She said with a serious look. "Ok I will Aooni!" I said back with the same seriousness. I bit my finger and slammed it onto the ground and yelled "summoning jutsu Cerberus,Hakishi,sukī!" All at once three more giant Summons appeared out of the smoke. "Yo what's up!" I heard Cerberus say in a chill tone. Yessssssss child what do you need from ussssssssss today. I heard Hakishi hiss politely. I am at your service malady. I heard sukī say to me. "Oh hey Aooni!" Cerberus said in a cheerful voice once he saw her." "Umm hi my name is faith but you can call me shinkō if you want." I said in awe as I saw how huge they all actually were. "Why have you ssssssssummoned ussssssssss?" Hakishi asked sweetly. "Oh I just wanted to get acquainted with all of you before I ask for help in battle of something like that." I answered Hakishi in the same sweet voice. "Hey guys just sayin this kid is pretty badass she smashed a kid into the floor probably 15 feet underground." Aooni said with a smirk. "Well only because you tripped him for me." I said humbly. "Hmm I like you." Cerberus said I mean our last master never even learned our names but you are taking the time to get to know us. "Well like I said I want to be your friend!" I said as a huge smile spread on my face. They all started to smile and laughed at the huge smile on my face and I sweat dropped witch only made them laugh more. "Ok I kinda need to get my chakra to full strength of I need to meet the Wolfpack." I said. "See you later!" They smiled and disappeared all at once. "Ok. Let's go rest then meet the Wolfpack!" I said to myself.

                              Time past
"Ok let's do this!" I said to myself with determination. I bit my finger and slammed it onto the ground and yelled. "Summoning jutsu shadow pack!" All of a sudden about 10 wolfs the size of my other summons appeared. They were all made of shadows. "Yes child!" A wolf with scares covering his face asked. "Hi my name is faith but you can call me shinkō!" I said with a determined look. "Why did you summon us?" He asked. "I wanted to get to know you all before I threw you in a battle or asked for your help." I explained. "Ok child." "Can you tell me your names?" I asked. "Well my name is Arufa I am the alpha." He said Said. " I am shi, i am Jigoku, I am Tsuki, I am mayonaka, i am yūgure, I am kyūketsuki, I am ketsueki, I am Akuma, I am seikatsu. All of them introduced themselves to me. "Thank you for telling me your names but unfortunately I'm running out of chakra so can I talk to you guys later?" I asked kindly. "Yes you can shinkō." Arufa said to me as then the pack poofed away.

I tried my best with the names in Japanese but remember my Japanese isn't best.

Aooni- blue demon
Cerberus- the Hellhound that guards Hell
Hakishi- white death
sukī- ski
Arufa- alpha(Real creative right!)
shi- death
Jigoku- hell
Tsuki- moon
mayonaka- mindnight
yūgure- dusk
kyūketsuki- vampire (I was running out of names!)
Akuma- demon
seikatsu- life

Alpha wolf

Alpha wolf

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(I'm too lazy to show the rest of the Wolfpack just imagine them all looking like The alpha)

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(I'm too lazy to show the rest of the Wolfpack just imagine them all looking like The alpha)

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