Chapter One

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"Tattoos are the stories in your heart, written on your skin."
-Charles De Lint

Intricate twists and curls, ribbons interlaced. Hands working magic through my tangled, mistreated hair. My mother stands over me, her face scrunched in concentration as she focuses on her work. I watch her, taking in every moment. She hasn't done my hair since I was a little girl.

"There you go, Madilynn. Now, go get your clothes on. We have to leave in half an hour." my mother says, pushing me from the kitchen into my room. My room is small, and I share it with my two sisters, Marilynn and Maggie. I walk to my bed, where I set out a simple outfit. I quickly slip the clothing on, walking back into the kitchen. My mother looks up from talking to my twin brother, Markus, at the table. He's already dressed and ready to go, and he stands up.

"Don't tell me you plan on wearing that, Madi." Markus says, looking at my outfit. "You look like you have on some of Maggie's clothes, they're so short."

"Yeah, well, I decided that I should wear what I wanted to for the last time. Who knows when I'll be able to choose my clothing again." I say, walking past him and into the living room, where my father and other siblings sit, playing a card game.

"Why, don't you look lovely, Madilynn!" my father says, laying down his cards and standing up, looking at me.

"Father, if only Markus could see that." I say, laughing, and give him a hug.

"I'm so proud of the person you've become, Madilynn. You've made us all so proud."

"I love you, father." I say, a few tears falling from my face and onto his shoulder.

"Now, Madilynn, you're acting like you are never going to see me again." he says, laughing.

"I may not, father. You know that."

"Oh, but I do know that you will see me again. I will make sure of it, no matter what." he assures me, hugging me tightly for a few seconds before letting me go, walking around me to talk to Markus. I turn to see my siblings watching me.

"Okay, you guys can come hug me now. I'm not a mutant or anything." I say, opening my arms, and they run into them. When they all pull away, I see my older sister, Marilynn, standing and waiting with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Come here, munchkin." she says, pulling me in and hugging me. "Don't worry, the test doesn't hurt. You don't even feel anything. It's over quickly, and the results are quick too. Don't worry too much, because-"

"Okay, Marilynn, I get it. I'm not worried. No one in our family has been chosen, have they? So almost no chance that I will."

"I know. I'm just not ready to see my little sister grow up yet, I guess. I love you, and I'll see you soon." she says, letting me go as my mother stands by the door, waiting for me and Markus.

"Come on you two, we have to leave if you want to arrive on time." she says, pulling her keys from her purse. I tell everyone goodbye once more, and walk with Markus to the car, getting into the backseat. I look out the window at our house, standing proud and tall, and see my family watching through the window. They wave, and before I can wave back, my mother starts down the street, away from my life.

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