Hinata Shouyou | Fun

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"Y/N-chan, are we walking home together? We don't have practice today!"

You turned around to see the energetic boy, "Yeah, meet me at Ukai-kun's market!"

Hinata agreed, quickly leaving to go to his class.

"Y/N-chan~ is that your boyfriend?" A classmate teased. You covered your mouth with your hand and muttered, "I wish." You gave them an innocent smile and simply said, "No, he's just a friend."

They talked with you for a while before taking their seats and waiting for the teacher to come in.


"Y/N! Sorry I'm late!" Hinata apologized. "I accidentally fell asleep during class and Kageyama didn't wake me up!"

You laughed at his behavior and continued to walk away, "I already went to the store, I brought you some meat buns." You said, handing him the bag of meat buns along with a juice and ice-cream. "Y/N-chan, you're the best!" He cried tears of joy, enjoying the food you bought for him. "Hey, Shouyou, I called your mom and told her you're staying with me tonight." You explained. He blushed and choked on his meat bun, "R-Really?! I get to stay with you for t-tonight?!" You simply smiled and nodded, "She passed by earlier to bring you a change of clothes so don't worry."

You lived farther away than others, you had to take the train to get to school and walk the rest of the way. You had gotten used to it so it didn't even bother you anymore, "Hurry up, Shouyou." You urged. "We're going to miss the train."

"You're shorter than me but you're so fast!" Hinata whined. You turned to face him with a sharp glare, "You're calling me short?" Your facial expression made him jump and back away in fear, "N-No!" He laughed nervously before grabbing your hand and pulling you to the train, "L-Let's just hurry to your place!"

Usually the train would be empty at night but this time the train was packed. "Dang, Y/N-chan, is it always this squished?" He whined. He was extremely close to you since all the seats were taken and you both were in the back corner which was still packed with people around you.

"No, it's usually empty, s-stop pushing me!"

"I'm s-sorry!" He apologized. He leaned down to whisper in your ear, "I can't just push this man behind me though!" You looked behind him to see a man with a mean look on his face, and he was really tall. "Scary."

The train stopped abruptly, causing people to bump into each other. And causing Hinata to be shoved against you, he blushed when he felt your body pressed against his, "I-I'm sorry!"

After the very uncomfortable train ride you had finally gotten to your stop, "Finally!" You sighed. "Now, we go to the store!"



"Shouyou, get on." You said while patting a shopping cart you had gotten. His eyes shined with excitement and he got on. "Get ready to get any junk food, Shouyou." He nodded excitedly and prepared to grab food. You pushed the cart quickly down the aisle, Hinata was quick to grab any bags of candy and chips. You grabbed a bag of (junk food), yelling out, "Spike it!" And you pretended to set the bag to him, he jumped up and hit it down perfectly into the cart. You went to pay the items and just as you had gotten the bags a worker yelled at you, "I saw you kids fooling around!" The worker was angry and they walked towards you. "Crap! Gotta blast!" You yelled, grabbing hold of Hinata's hands and running outside with the bags of food. "Darn, now we go home!" You chirped.

The walk to your apartment was filled with lively chatter. You turned the corner to see that the streetlights were off. "Woah, it's so dark." Hinata gawked. You felt nervous, going closer to Hinata seemed like the best idea so you didn't hesitate to hold his hand. You got to the apartment building but all the lights were off in the lobby. "Ok this is really weird, everything is turned off..." You got your keys out to open the door to the stairway only to be met with darkness. "This is so creepy!" You both cried. You turned on the flashlight on your phone and held Hinata's hand, carefully making your way upstairs. You finally got to your floor and went into the hallway. "This is way too scary! Why didn't anyone tell me the power went out?" You complained. "You better not let go of my hand, Shouyou!" "I won't!"

"Screw walking! If there's a little girl in a white dress then I don't want to be there for it!" "Y/N, d-don't leave me!" You ran full speed to your door and quickly grabbed your keys out of your pocket and opened the door, bursting in only for your apartment to be lit with a couple of candles. "Y/N, you're home! Sorry I couldn't text you, my phone died and as you can see I can't charge it." Your mom explained.

"Jeez, I had to walk Shouyou here in the dark. You make me seem like a horrible host!" You whined. "Oh, right. Shouyou, your mother brought you some clothes. Y/N, I put some candles in your room so it isn't too dark." You thanked her and took Hinata to your room.

"Man, this ruins our plans, Shou. I'm sorry." You apologized. You had movies planned out but apparently you can't watch them if the television isn't working. "It's fine! We still have the snacks you brought!" You looked up at him to see he was smiling. You nodded in agreement and began to move the candles closer to you and Hinata.

You stood up to grab a book from your desk and then sat down with Hinata, "Let's look at this!" You smiled.

It was a photo album of all the moments you had with Shouyou as little kids. "Woah! This is so cool, I can't wait to see!"

And even though the only lights that lit up the room were the candles, Hinata seemed to shine brighter than the small candles as he went through the book of memories you shared with him.


You laughed loudly at one picture. 8-year old Hinata had a candy ring on his ring finger and he had a proud smile while you also had a candy ring that you had already started to eat but you still had a goofy grin on your 8-year old face. On the bottom of the picture was a small note saying, "Hinata proposed to Y/N with candy rings, she really liked the flavor of it.  He called her his wifey and always brought her a flower he grabbed from someone's garden." In your mom's neat handwriting.

"W-Who took this picture?!" Hinata blushed. He remembered the day perfectly but it was embarrassing to recall when you already grew older and understood more of what he actually did.

"My mom did! Your mom also has pictures but she hid them." You smirked, continuing to tease him. "So, Shouyou, when are you going to propose to me again?"

"S-Soon!" He yelled out without thinking. "W-Wait! That's not what I m-meant!"

"I can't wait." You smiled, a teasing smile on your lips. "Maybe you'll buy me actual flowers and not just a sunflower that you stole from an old lady's garden."

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