Cross Shipping #5

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yOoO its me the trash prince

so anywho im feeling fluffy as shit so except a lot of shipping chapters within the next few days

im bacK with the cross ships

ema ( MommaSuga ) wanted yachi x haruhi so that i shall do

yacharuhi ( Yachi x Haruhi from ouran high school host club )

i honestly did this because A) i wanted to ship someone with a host club member and B) i needed a yuri ship

lets dO THISS

also this ship is pure fluff, no sin here

imagines :

- yachi being frightened by haruhi thinking she's a boy

- yachi being embarrassed and blushing when she finds out haruhi is a girl

- haruhi being overly sweet to yachi

- awkward hand holding

- yachi doing haruhi's hair

- yachi wearing haruhi's uniform

- awkward slow dancing

- awkward kissing

- just a lot of cute awkwardness

- cuddles, like a lot of them

- yachi's probably the little spoon

- yachi buying things for haruhi

- yachi trying, and i do mean trying, to calm haruhi down during a storm

- haruhi wrapping her arms around yachi's waist at random times

- just imagine afternoon tea

- haruhi treating yachi like a princess

- cute lunch dates

- small lil nicknames, not used often but they're enough to make them both blush

- haruhi borrowing yachi's clothes

- buying flowers together

- all night movie marathons

- baths together, like adorable bubble baths with bath bombs and way too many scented candles

- remember that place haruhi went to work for the summer? imagine them working together

- making snow angels together, snow men, snow fights, JUST A LOT OF CUTE SNOW THINGS OKAY

- yachi standing on her tip toes for kisses

- them being shy to ask for affection

- fancy dinners because all haruhi wants is the damn fancy tuna gdi ( and yachi )

- making playlists for each other

- small pecks 

- yachi wearing haruhi's glasses

lmao that's all i got but who know's ill probably think of more and post them later

feel free to comment from more

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