Chapter One

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Close your windows and lock your doors. Shut your blinds or curtains and turn off the lights unless you absolutely need them to read. Actually, turn off the lights because I don't think that you want to read this.

I can't tell you my name since it would only put you in more danger than you already are. I strongly suggest that you put this letter down. If you keep reading, your life will never be the same.

There is a secret organization that is out to get me and everyone like me. We are not normal. We are different. Some might even say that we are special. But that is not a good thing. It puts us in horrible danger, and, now that you know, it does the same for you. There are people that want me dead. If you are reading this, than they probably got what they wanted.

There is still time for you to put this letter down and forget about it. Forget about me and what you've already read. Put it off as a delusion. It might be easier than this.

But you don't seem the type to put away this letter. So, if you want to change your life forever, you need to help me. I need you to find a man.

Go to London and go a pub. It doesn't matter which since this man goes to all of them. Ask for a whiskey with foam. Lots and lots of foam. Say exactly that. And then casually show him an image of a crescent moon with a sun.

If you have read this far, then I must warn you that you don't have much time to back out. If you don't want to do this, then stop reading. Put it away and open your windows, unlock your windows and draw the blinds or curtains back and turn back on the lights.

But if you want to help me and the world, then continue on. Follow the instructions that I gave you and stay safe. The same people that are after me will be after you now. I'm sorry that I put you in this much danger.

However, this is an emergency.

I regret to tell you that I can not give your more information than this. This actually may be too much. Especially if this letter falls into the wrong hands.

Keep this letter safe and do not tell anyone about it.

Best of luck,


He closed the envelope and debated where to put the letter. Did he want it to be found? Of course. Or did he?

He bit his lip. He was under orders to hide it where someone would be able to find it, but he didn't want to put even more people in danger. He didn't want to be the reason that more people died.

What was he to do? He bit his lip as he thought. Why was this so hard? He should just do what he was told.

If he didn't, his superiors would kill him. He chuckled darkly at the thought. He was already going to die. Did it matter who did it?

Of course it mattered. He didn't want to be known as a traitor and he didn't want one of his friends to have to kill him. He couldn't ask that of someone. Of anyone, really.

Sighing, he stood up and looked around his room. It was dark save for the soft glow of the lamp that sat upon his desk. That's when he knew what to do.

He grabbed the lamp and left, heading down the stairs, stumbling slightly. He really needed to fix the goddamn floor boards. He was going to break his neck one of these days.

"God damn it all," he muttered as he missed a step, nearly dropping the lamp.

"Sir?" Asked his little servant boy, looking up from where he knelt on the floor, cleaning.

"Hello, Jerome. I need you to keep something safe for me. Can you promise me that you will protect this letter no matter what? Don't read it. Just keep it safe," he said, his voice tinged with panic that made Jerome nervously agree.

"Of course, sir," replied Jerome. He would do all that he could to keep the letter safe no matter what. If that was what sir wanted, he would do it. Sir was a strange man, but he was good despite the fact that he never shared his name.

Even when his friends came around, they called him Dog. Which couldn't possibly be his real name. Could it? Who would name their son Dog?

Jerome shook his head as Sir walked back up the stairs and disappeared back into his office. Jerome wasn't allowed in there. He had once made the mistake of going in there to deliver Sir's food and he got punished severely.

Jerome studied the letter, and bit his lip. He wanted to open it and see what it was about, but Sir had told him not to. He didn't want to disobey sir, but he really wanted to open the letter.

He sighed and then decided against reading it, slipping it into his pocket before going back to cleaning the floor like he was supposed to. Then, when morning came, he stood up and made the tea for Sir, knocking on the office door.

"Sir?" He called softly, cracking the door open very slightly. When no response came, he opened the door wider.

Laying on the floor was Sir. His eyes were wide open and on his face was a small smile. It was a bitterly sweet smile and Jerome let out a cry of shock when he saw it, dropping the tea onto the hard ground.

The pot cracked open and the tea poured out as Jerome ran to get help. Sir was dead.

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