New Friends

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  "We Slytherins are brave, yes, but not stupid."

Chapter 8

It was a long night in the Slytherin common room. The first-, second- and third-years had been chatting and talking about how they experienced their first year at Hogwarts, a second-year boy called Lovino Vargas was whining about how his younger brother was sorted into Gryffindor and would probably gain all of their grandfather's praise, and a third-year boy whose name remained unknown (apart from a "Big brother" whine coming from the girl named Natalia that had been sitting opposite Arthur) had left to "find big sister" who was supposedly a Hufflepuff. 

Arthur and Albus had been talking for a while before Silver joined their conversation, no longer interested in Lovino's Italian whining, discussing their family history - though both Arthur and Silver were more interested in Albus' stories about how his father beat the greatest wizard in history at least five times and how he was able to describe two or three of the events in perfect detail. 

"And then Voldemort was just there. Like, no one knows how, and Cedric was still being dead on the ground, and dad was still captured by the statue. But then Voldemort talked to him for a while before releasing him, and threatening to kill him..." 

"Hey guys, what're you talking about?"

Arthur looked up, facing the Head Boy of Slytherin, a brown-haired and brown-eyed tall guy who had an awfully perfect face. 

"About my dad," replied Albus. 

"Your dad is Harry Potter, isn't he?"

"That's him." 

"I don't think I've introduced myself just yet. Daniel Howell, nice to meet you." 

Silver was holding back a scream.

"Arthur Kirkland," said Arthur with a smile. 

"Albus Potter." Silver didn't look like they were capable of speaking just yet.

"And this is Silver - their last name is something Italian, I believe," frowned Albus. 

"They listened to Lovino's angry Italian ranting," nodded Arthur. 

"Great to meet you," smiled Dan. "I'm not good at people, though, so don't come to me for advice."

Silver fainted.

"Oh," frowned Albus. 

"We should get them to the hospital wing," sighed Arthur. "Is that still open at this hour?"

"Always," said Dan. "You never know what happens at night."

"That sounded creepy," muttered Arthur. Dan picked Silver up and carried them to the hospital wing. 

"Mr Howell," said the nurse, who was definitely not the youngest (although that, too, was an understatement). 

"Madam Pomfrey," replied Dan. "Someone fainted. First name is Silver, but that's just about all I know."

"I'll take care of her," said the nurse.

"Them," muttered Arthur. Dan grinned a little. 


The Gryffindor common room was quite calm, every first-year student had headed straight to bed (but not before a third-year girl named Celina had to break Elizabeta and Vladimir apart), but the sleeping rooms were busy. The girls were chatting with each other, and the boys were - well, being boys. Not much interesting happened there until someone knocked on the door to the boy's sleeping room. 

Feliciano jumped up and opened the door. Ready to knock again, headmaster Vargas stood there. Feliciano grinned and hugged him. "Buonasera, Nonno."

"Buonasera, Feli," smiled professor Vargas, before waving at the other boys. "I just wanted to ask, is there anything I need to know about either one of you?" 

All boys shook their heads, except one. Vladimir remembered his name to be Kyler, and he had asthma and glucose allergy. 

"Great, thank you," smiled Mr Vargas, leaving the room and going down the stairs, going to the Ravenclaw tower. Vladimir turned around and tugged a taller boy's sleeve. He'd been playing silly games with him all night, and wasn't planning to stop anytime soon.


The Hufflepuff basement was actually quite calm, there were people from higher years chatting with first-years and with each other, and Kay was calmly injecting himself with something in the boy's sleeping room. It was the first time he'd done it without help, but after getting the letter for Hogwarts, he had been learning to do it himself, and now he had to do it all by himself. Not that he minded. 

Someone knocked on the door. Kay finished injecting and put a band-aid he had brought on the place. He knew he should probably ask someone to do it for him, most likely the nurse, but he didn't want to. He pulled on his pants and opened the door. 

"Hey," said a short boy with light blond hair. 

"Hi," replied Kay with a smile. 

"Someone asked for you in the common room," said the boy, whose name was Tino.

"I was just - doing something I really had to do, I'll go there now," said Kay, and he walked to the common room. 

"Kay, wait-" Tino called after him. Kay turned around to see Tino hold up the needle.

"Oh, that's for my testosterone supply," smiled Kay. "I've got enough to inject twice a month until Christmas." 

"Oh, okay," smiled Tino. "That's fine, I was just wondering." 

Kay turned back around and saw the second-year student he was talking to earlier wave at him. He smiled and walked towards him. 

"Hey, Fran," he smiled. Fran replied with a smile. 

"So, you too, huh?" 

"Me too, what?" asked Fran curiously. The two had so much in common, and it hadn't even been three hours since they met yet.

"Well, everything."


There was a pillowfight going on in the Ravenclaw common room. Everything had been moved aside by the prefects and everyone had fetched a pillow, and had written their names on it, trusting the older students saying they knew a spell to remove it. 

Lukas had been bonding with the other four boys, Ludwig, Kiku, Sam and Haruka (whose name got Kiku freaking out for a solid five minutes) during the fight. Sam was a clever guy, whose brother, Dean, was a fourth year Gryffindor, both of them half-blood wizards. Ludwig and Kiku had met before, on the train, and Ludwig also had a brother in his fourth year, except he was in Slytherin. Kiku was the first of his family to go to Hogwarts. Ludwig was half-blood and Kiku Muggleborn. Haruka, who preferred to be called Haru, because his name sounded like a girl's one, was also Muggleborn, and had a friend in Hufflepuff. 

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