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hey hey heyy! ◡̈

welcome to punlands, a place filled with nice haikyuu hoes. we are very hillarious, and also very sinful, if elle may add. alright, a little about tatsunareyy.

that's right, the squad name is tatsunareyy! because who doesn't want a piece of him? the squad was made in march 27th! and our joint account was an idea from lou, so yay! plus everyone is really nice and very supportive it's great.

the name punlands is a reference for halsey's album, badlands. and we replaced 'bad' with 'pun' because the one who came up with it is obsessed with bokuto holy shit.

let's start the intros one by one now!

❝ t h o s e  a r e  t h e
w e  d o n t  g o  t h e r e ❞

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