My Arm

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I was in the hospital and Brendon has left me with me and my feelings. My arm was a dark grayish purple and it was paralized. I thought in my mind "Y/N why did this happen, Where is Brendon, I need My friends." You reach over and grab your phone and text Brook and Alexa. They could cheer you up. The nurse came over and said "How does your arm feel do you need some pain relief. I rembered what was happening before this happened. My Family was at school and work I am not allowed to call them. I told the nurse "I have a request." She smiles "And what might that be Ms. L/N?" I scream at the top of my lungs, "GET THIS STUPID ARM OFF ME AMPUTATE IT PLEASE!!" ANd that is when Brendon and Brook and Alexa walk in. They come over and comfort me I was really sad and wanted this to have never happen. She doctor wheels me into the surgical room. "are your sure you want to do this?" He says. I nod. And the sleep medicine kicked in.

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