We Changed (2) Discovery

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Avery May

(Two years later, age 15)

“What’s for breakfast, Tasha?” I asked my older sister, Natasha Lee.

 She smiled mischeviously and motioned for me to hold out my hand. I did so and I felt something soft and squishy landed in my hand. Natasha and her friend regularly stole from the camp store and shared the goods with me. Quite badass, really.


 “Hi! What’s up Kayla?”

 Tasha smiled. “Enjoy, Avi.” 

 I thanked her and opened the palm of my hand to see a somewhat squished square of ambrosia. I broke it into two pieces and gave one to Kayla.

 “Thank you,” she said and popped it into her mouth, careful not to let it touch her glossy pink lips. “Tasha strikes again?”

 I nodded, laughing. “I wish I had the guts to do that,” I sighed. “Somehow, when I was with Damian, it was easier.”

 Kayla looked down, like she didn’t know what to say. Damian was a touchy topic for me. When he was discovered to be a Roman demigod, he was kicked out of Camp. I received a letter from him informing me he had reached a place called Camp Jupiter.

 I hadn’t shown it to anyone but Kayla.

 One year later I received another letter saying he was doing well and a third and last one saying he’d like to see me because something was wrong.

 I didn’t really know what to do about the last one. I guess he changed. I changed. We changed.

 Kayla had helped me though. She was the daughter of Demeter and good with outdoorsy stuff. She was also quite the warrior but had a love for books. We were so alike.

 “What’s up, Avery?” A voice asked. 

 “Hey, Charles. Not much.”

 Charles Walters was my best guy friend since Damian. Technically, he was also my cousin, being the son of Athena.

 "Aw. Not much?" He teased, poking my arm. "See you at breafast then?"

 "You bet." I winked.

 Charles loped away and Kayla sighed.

 "He is so hot, Avi," she commented, fanning her face with her hands. I watched her mascara coated lashes bat twice.

 "Not half as hot as Austin Rubenson," I teased. Kayla's crush, Austin was pretty hot. Even I admit it! He has the most lovely buttery blond hair ever and startling blue eyes. To die for, as Kayla would say.


"That was the most exhausting day, Ever," Kayla brushed a strand of dark hair out of her sweaty face and grabbed her heart shaped pocket mirror that I had given her for her fourteenth birthday. I smiled every time she used it.

 It's nice to know someone likes what you get them.

 "You say that every day," I joked

 "Almost," She Corrected as she brushed her lashes with the mascara brush and coated her lips with a light layer of cherry lipgloss.

"You know..." I suggested. "Camp Jupiter is in Berkely somewhere.  Damian said so in his last letter."

"Last letter? You never told me about that!" Kayla seethed looking up from the mirror suddenly.

I covered my mouth with my hand. Busted, Avi.

"I’ll show it to you. Honest."

"Whatever..." Kayla rolled her blue eyes dramtically. "Go on."

"Anyway, Berkely isn’t that dar from here, is it?" I felt hopeful even saying this, as Kayla looked me skeptically.

"Jeez, were you even listening in Geography? It’s quite faraway," she informed me.

"I’m dyslexic," I reminded her.

"I am, too," she said. "I know what you’re thinking okay? And it’s not going to work."

I knew too. But I hoped, against hope that I would see him again.

AN: Thank you to everyone who commented on Ch 1! It was so nice of you guys ♥ And here was the new chapter sorry its very short I just wanted to get it posted before I lost my inspiration and everything. Haha :)

(banner on side by @_Daydream_Away , thanks again lovely:))

Dedicated to my friend @Imma_SuperWoman . Her books are all amazing! CHECK EM OUT!! Especially "Buns" which is a total MustRead.


Sienna ♥

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