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Chapter Eight

I nearly knocked over Matthew with the chair jumping up onto the bed that my perfect ginger was sitting up in, alive. “Taylor, I'm alright. Please stop crying, I can't bear to see you so upset.” He wiped my eyes and gently kissed my lips. Doctor Kavanaugh had entered the room with his flashlight like he had with me but Ed was not letting go of me. I just laid there curled up in his lap as the doctor checked his vitals and explained that he must eat something and left the room to call the nurse to hook up another IV. His parents and Matthew surrounded us in a giant group hug filled of laughter and tears of joy. “I was so scared that I was going to lose you.” I cried into the crook of his neck. “You will never lose me, forever and always, Tay. I will always come back to you even if it means fighting for my life to get there. You are worth every bit I have to sacrifice. I love you, Taylor Alison Swift.” Tears welling in his eyes he kissed my forehead and pulled me up next to him. I drifted off to sleep with him humming Lego House.

When I woke up Ed wasn't next to me. I shot straight up and looked around to see him standing over by the window watching me. “I'm right here, baby.” He was at my side in a flash scooping me into his lap as he sat down. “I had enough sleep to last the rest of my life. I had something to eat and they told me I can leave as soon as this IV is finished. I ordered you some lunch in case you were hungry.”. I was starving, how sweet of him to be caring for me. He was the injured one, I looked down at the cast extending from below his knee to his toes, and the bandages around his chest and on his head. I should be caring for him not the other way around. I run my hand across his cheek, “I love you Ed.” I smile.

“Miss Swift, may I have a word?” Doctor Kavanaugh asked as we were leaving. “Of course! Ed I’ll meet you in the car okay?” I kissed his cheek, and he grinned and made his way into the elevator and disappeared from sight. “Well Miss Swift, I just wanted to make sure that you get the exact prescription at the pharmacy for headaches and nausea associated with your concussion. That particular medication is safe for pregnant women.” He spoke slowly to ensure he was understood. “PREGNANT?” I whispered loudly. “Uhm, Yes Miss Swift, Pregnant. I thought you were aware I'm sorry. We ran extensive tests including blood work while you were in your coma, and you are indeed pregnant. The baby was unaffected by the accident and appears otherwise healthy. You appear to be about 3 weeks along. I can recommend a great OB in this very hospital, I'll get you her business card.” He headed back towards the triage desk. I stared at him in shock. I had risked the life of two people that night. The love of my life and this little one growing inside me. Of course I was in love with the idea of being a mother. It's all I had ever wanted, doesn't everyone? The fairytale prince first and then grow old together with your family. Then an awful thought hit me, what if Ed doesn't want it. Would I be forced to choose between this tiny human I had never even met but already felt more love for than most of the people in my life, and the absolute love of my life, my soul mate, who while he was still in his long slumber I confessed my love and the need to be with him forever? I needed both of them.

I stepped into the elevator, lost. I pushed the button for the parking garage and watched as the numbers lit from 13 all the way down to ground floor. It seemed as if forever had come and gone before I finally reached the ground level. When the doors opened I saw that Ed had parked the car directly across from the doors and was holding open my door holding a giant stuffed teddy bear and a bouquet of roses. He placed the bear in the back seat alongside his flowers. “Taylor Alison Swift, I love you more than I have ever loved anyone in my entire life. Knowing how scared we were for each others well being today, I realized something. I never want to live without you. I heard you tell me those same words yesterday before I woke up. You pulled me back into the now. I want the same thing as you. I want to be with you forever. Just you and me fighting dragons for the rest of our lives...” He got down on one knee and pulled out the most beautiful ring I had ever seen from his shirt pocket, “So how about it, Taylor, Will you marry me and make me the happiest man in the entire world?” 'Just you and me' was ringing over and over again in my mind. He doesn't want to share me. How do I tell him? I can't lose him after I just got him back. What do I do?Tears filled in my eyes, that was the most beautiful proposal I could have ever asked for, from the man of my dreams and all I wanted to do was scream yes, a thousand times over. I had to tell him.

“Ed, I'm pregnant.” I sunk to my knees.

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