Hayes and Bella

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My name is Marabella, but I go by Bella. I am 17 years old. I have one sibling named Shawn Mendes. I am in love with this guy named Hayes Grier.  I don't know how to tell him. Him and his brother are coming over later for game night. Later that night Hayes and his brother Nash and their friend Cameron are here and we start to play Truth or Dare. Cameron asked me Truth or Dare and I said Dare. My Dare was to give Hayes a kiss on the lips for longer than a minute. I went to where Hayes was and I sat on his lap and I kissed him so hard and surprising he kissed back and when time was up we didn't stop kissing. My brother Shawn was getting really mad. I pulled away blushing, I got up and off hayes's lap and sat next to him pushing Shawn out of the way. After the game was over we all watched a movie and I fell asleep on Hayes lap with my head on his legs and he fell asleep too. The next morning I was the first one up and I decided to go get breakfast since I don't cook. I went to get Dunkin donuts and starbucks for myself. When I got back Hayes,Nash, and Cameron were up leaving Shawn asleep still. I told them I got donuts and they could only have one. Hayes asked if he could talk to me alone and I said yes. We walked outside and we sat down by the pool. I asked him what he wanted to talk about, he said he wanted to talk about us. I was shocked because  there was no us. I asked him what he was talking about and he said that he liked me. He just kept on talking and talking till I shut him up with a kiss on the lips and he kissed back. After a few minutes we pulled apart and he asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes. We walked back into the house hand and hand.  When we walked in the boys minus Shawn were eating their donuts and drinking coffee. I was like we need to wake up Shawn and all the boys said yes, but they were like how. I said I have a perfect plan, I told them the plan and we went to where Shawn was sleeping. I sat down next to him on the floor and said " Shawn I need to tell you something" He said "what", I said that " I am pregnant" he shot right up and was freaking out and everybody just started to laugh. He said "this is not funny how could you do this to me?" I said "it is a joke just to get you awake", after I said that he said "that's not funny".  I made it up to him by bringing him his donut and him some coffee. Somehow I had to Shawn me and Hayes are dating. I told Shawn that I needed to talk to him about something. Shawn and I went outside and sat down. Shawn asked me what I needed to talk to him about, I took a deep breath and said " HayesandIaredating" I said, he asked me to slow down so I said " Hayes and I are dating". Shawn got up with his face all red and stormed inside I ran after him. When he got inside he went straight for Hayes and said "WHO SAID YOU COULD DATE MY BABY SISTER". I went to Shawn and said " BACK OFF HE DOESN'T NEED TO ASK ANYONE TO DATE ME BUT MYSELF. Shawn said " You are my baby sister and I don't want you to get hurt".  I said that I understand that but I won't get hurt, Hayes likes me a lot and I like him a lot so please just leave it alone please. So after that Shawn and Hayes made up and so did me and Shawn.


So Hayes and I have been dating for almost a year and I don't know what I am going to get him. So later that day I was on my computer looking up good presents for a one anniversary, I found a couple that I liked and one was SEX! and I was thinking that would be a great present for our one year anniversary. The next day was our one year anniversary and I was so nervous. Hayes took me out to a nice restaurant to eat at and the food was good. After we ate dinner we went for a walk on the beach and he asked if I wanted to go to a hotel for the night because we were 3 hours away from home and I said sure. We went to nice hotel and stayed the night. When we got to our room, I went and sat down on the bed and he sat next to me. I leaned over and kissed him and he kissed back hard.  Hayes pulled me onto his lap and I pushed him down on the bed and I pulled away and said Iwanttohavesex. He said slow down and I said I want to have sex and he said I do too.  I leaned down and kissed him hard and he kissed back.


We both fell asleep after all that just happened. I woke up to my phone ringing and it was Shawn calling me. I picked up the phone and said " Hello *in a sleepy voice*" Shawn said "Where are you" I said "I am at a hotel with Hayes don't worry we will be home later" Shawn said " you better not have had SEX" and I said we didn't" even though we did. I hang up the phone and curled up next to Hayes and said " Hayes we need to get up it is already 12:00 pm" all Hayes did was groan and said " but I don't want to get up all I want to do is stay in bed with you" I said " me too but  we can't  stay here all day". After we got showered together, we got dressed and left to go home.


We got my house and went inside just to find Shawn, Nash and Cameron having a silly string and water fight.  I yelled "WHAT IS GOING ON HERE" Hayes told me to calm down and I did. Shawn said " We are having silly string and water fight" *goes to spray silly string on me* I said "Don't you dare spray that on me" Nash said "Sorry we will clean it up" and I said " Yes you will"


Today is September 1st which is my birthday and I am 21 today and I am so happy. Hayes and I have been dating for 4 years and Hayes is hiding something, but I don't know what it is. Hayes and I are going out tonight for my birthday just the two of us.


Dinner was great. We just got back to my house and I see all the lights out and I ask "What is going on" Hayes said "I don't know". We go inside and I turn on the lights and Shawn, Nash and Cameron and some other people jump out and  yell " SURPRISE"  I scream " OMG who did this for me" Hayes said " I am Guilty" I said " Hayes you did this for me" he said "Yes I did and I love you with all my heart and love you for the rest of my life so Marabella Hayleigh Mendes will you do the honor of marrying me" I was in shock and said " I am sorry, but I can't" *ran upstairs*


I hear a knock on my door and say "who is it" and it is Shawn, I said "come in" so he did and he came to sit next to me and asked me why I said no and I said " Because I don't want to be pregnant on my wedding day. Shawn was shocked and didn't know what to say at the moment, but he found the words he needed and he said " I am going to be a uncle" and all I could do is shake my head to yes and then I asked him if he could go get Hayes and not say anything to anyone about me having a baby to anyone and he said he would go get Hayes and he won't say anything to anybody. Hayes came up a few minutes later. I said I need to tell you why I said I can't and he said ok.  I said "the reason I said no was because I don't want to be fat on my wedding day" and he was confused and said "you won't be fat on our wedding day" and I said " yes I will" and he said "why would you look fat on our wedding day" and I said because I am pregnant" and he said "what" and I said "you are going to be a dad in about 6 months" all he did was put a big smile on his face. I said "hello anyone there" he asked "are serious" and I said "yes" all he did was kiss me and said "we don't have to get married yet we can wait a few years" I said " ok I will marry you" and we kissed and then he said "let's go back downstairs" and I said "ok, but first when do you want to tell people we are having a baby" and he said we can do it tomorrow at the interview" and I said " ok do you want to tell the people who are here that we are getting married" and he said "no" I said "ok we should probably tell are family first.

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