Time to meet your team

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Ashlyn worked on getting unpacked some when suddenly Chris's voice screamed through the megaphones on poles. Growling the girl changed out of her bikini. She put on her broken heart crop top, her camo cargo pants and laced up her boots. Throwing the door open, the hard crack caused her to look over seeing Heather standing there shocked. A smirk appeared on her face, the girl walks away popping her neck.

"Oops sorry!" Ashlyn called and laughed.

"You will pay for this!" Heather shouted with a hand over her nose.

"I cannot wait!" The punk walked to where the campfire is supposed to be.

Most of the other campers had gathered up and were waiting to see what their "host" had planned. The woman sat towards the back watching how many people were there. Two dumbass hoes with matching hair and outfits, a snobby little know it all bookworm, a crazy red head in green, a dude that looked like a model, a bossy brunette with a control issue, a cool black girl that was chill, a goth that looked as thrilled to be there are she was, two surfers one male and one female, a raging body builder, a kid who barely looks old enough to tie his shoes.

A tall black guy that looked to kind to survive, the reject punk from juvie, a homeschool that had his finger up his number, a nerd with red hair, a shorter brunette with braces, another blonde with boots on that looked as smart as a rock, of course her "loving" cousin, the giant fat ass from earlier with personal space issues, a band reject with his guitar, and the last was an idiot in the red track suit. She could not believe that they had conned her into coming in this show.

"No money will be worth this," Ashlyn growled.

It was at that point that Chris walked up and explained their challenge would be to jump off a cliff. One eyebrow raised just listening to his idea of a fun time. At that time the teens were all put into their teams. The first team was the screaming Gophers that consisted of Beth, Cody, Gwen, Heather, Izzy, Justin, Leshawna, Lindsay, Noah, Owen, Trent. The second team was the Killer Bass which consisted of Ashlyn, Bridgette, Courtney, DJ, Duncan, Eva, Ezekiel, Geoff, Harold, Katie, Sadie, Tyler.

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