Fallen Down

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           Fizzing noises rose from the pan, with 2 eggs plopped in, pancakes were in the oven, the kitchen smelled glorious. Ti sighed impatiently, rubbing a throbbing sore he got in a football tournament. He fwipped back his long locks of dark brown hair.  

"Sweetie, you can go outside to pass the time, if you want." His mother said focusing on one egg.

Ti's bottom felt like it was stuck to the sofa he was slouching on. He still managed to get off..

"Come back in soon!" His mother would always say.

         Ti was wandering on the sidewalk, his hair was flopping up and down. He noticed a deep hole beside him "Oh shit!" he gasped. "I almost fell in that." Relief grew in his heart so he carried on. Then some ass of a guy on a skateboard pushed him in the hole on purpose without any cares, and laughed at his achievement. "Loser!" he said, his hair was flowing in the air, yet he started to realize how dumb he was for doing that.

A muffled thud hit the ground, he woke up after a temporary black out. "JERK!" He shouted. He got on his feet and dusted off the dirt his front was covered in, his sore from football was injured badly now. He looked up and saw a big tiger in the distance, now he is up and not hiding, so he done fucked up. He tried to climb up the slope but failed. Ti was horrified, he scampered around, looking for a place to hide.

The tiger was only getting closer and closer, very slowly.

"HELP HELP!" Ti cried, waving his hands in the air at the sidewalk.

"Whoa! Kid, calm down." Purred a mysterious voice. 

      Ti turned around and discovered that the tiger was 1 inch in front of him, he stood as still as a statue, his heart was pounding. He tried to move his eyes to spot the person who called him out. "Kid please calm down. I know I'm scary and all but jeez!" The tiger said, backing up with his ears perked back. Ti turned around and thought of the only thing that was scary in the area, Did that tiger just.... talk? He thought.. feeling less scared he said "D-did you just... t-talk?" he stammered, thinking that he must have hit his head too hard on the ground.  "Yes, I most  definitely did talk. Your new here, let me show you this place, also try and make yourself comfortable!" The tiger roared, crushing the kept grass as he walked away. "Hey hey! Slow down, you can't just rush it like that. Who are you?! How are you talking?!?!" Ti ran by the tiger. "Oh. Y-you can't know my name too embarrassing, also I was born with the ability. Also ehm, don't go anywhere. My family has to uh, eat you or something, bummer." he answered. "You, seem sad.. what happened?" Ti said realizing the tiger's down face.

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