Chapter 50

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April 21st, Thursday. (next day)


School wasn't really on my mind all day. Harry was on my mind since this morning when I got a text from him that he was not gonna be in school today because he woke up with a high fever, and was coughing and throwing up. I wanted to drive over there and take care of him, but after listening to him fuss over the phone about not wanting to get me sick, he finally convinced me to go to school.

But as soon as school ended I was gonna go straight over there and take care of him. I didn't know how he had gotten sick all of a sudden, especially in the middle of spring, where is was warmer outside, but I didn't really care how it happened, I was gonna make sure he was okay.

I sigh looking down at the paper on my desk, which was half filled out since I couldn't focus knowing my baby boy was at home sick. I would skip school to go take care of his needs any day. I felt bad being here at school knowing he was having a horrible day at home. Some would think that I'm being ridiculous for worrying so much, but you know I couldn't help it.

I shook my head and looked up seeing the teacher gathering some papers. The. I glance at the clock seeing we have a few minutes left. I sigh, I might as well finish this classwork, I'm not gonna make time go any faster just sitting here in my thoughts.

"Zayn." I hear my teacher call my name and I groan. What did I do this time?

"I didn't do anyth-"

"It's okay. You're not in trouble, I just wanted you to run an errand for me." He says. I sigh in relief. Finally my name 's not being called because of misbehavior. I nod and stands up putting my pencil behind my ear and walking over to him. He hands me a stack of papers. "Take these papers to guidance and give them to Ms. Sanders." He tells me. I nod, turning around and exiting the class. I was actually glad that he sent me out, I needed to move around a bit. Even though I wasn't going to the place I wanted to be, still it's always good getting out of class, even if it's for five minutes.

Although it's great to leave the class, it's not always good when someone you really don't want to see or even think of at the moment ruins it by coming out of nowhere and bumping into you. I grunt and tightens my hands on the papers so they wouldn't fly all over the place like in those predictable movies, which I hate so much. I growl slightly looking slightly down at Louis, who backed away a few steps. Seriously? Did we really have to run into each other now? It's like a fucking plague following me everywhere I go. "Fucking seriously." I say grumpily. Louis looks up at me.

"Hello to you too." He rolls his eyes.

"Yeah, whatever I got to do something." I say, walking away. It was not a surprise when I hear his footsteps following after me like an annoying lost dog. Don't get me wrong, I'm an animal lover but if Louis were a dog I'd kick it.

"I want to talk to you." He says.

"I don't want to talk to you." I grumble as I continue to walk in the direction of the guidance office. It would be really nice if I had headphones in so I could block him out. But we were all made with ears, and we can't help but hear. Heading is either a gift or a curse and right now it's a fucking curse.

"You don't have to talk, just listen." He grabs my arm and I immediately snatch away, turning around to scowl at him.

"What did I say about grabbing on me?" I growl. He puts his hands up, stepping away. I hate when he did that. The only person who should grab me is Harry, when he's pulling my hair or tugging on my dick. Okay, this is not the time for my dirty mind. I just can't help it sometimes.

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