Empty Promises (Part Two)

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*Authors Note: Remember this is going to me a chapter that's MANY parts! so there technically won't me a 'new' chapter for a while! Xx

    "Oh look Ann! We're here!" He gets out, picks me up, and we walk into the building.

     We get out quickly and begin our trip into the heart of the city. Louis pulls into a driveway that I assume us his. He gets out, grabs the wheelchair I was issued since I can't walk until my legs are healed, then sets me down in it. I wheel myself to the now open door as I gape in amazement. It. Was. Beautiful! Louis showed me to the only bedroom on the bottom floor and I get into the bed. As j felt my eyes begin to shut, I found myself thinking... Am I safe?

     I walk around the streets of London alone, looking for a familiar face who can comfort me. "Excuse me miss. Shouldn't you be serving a curly-haired lad?" I turned to say something back but the words were caught in my throat. My eyes widen as I tried to run, but my feet were stuck. He walked up to me and grabbed me by the wrists, tying them together with rope but yet he let a fair amount hanging as he used it like a leash. I passed by Louis, Zayn, Niall, and Liam as the tears began to fall. About ten feet away, we stopped and I was handed off to Harry.

     I awoke with a start and began screaming when I realized that I didn't know where I was. Louis ran in and everything came rushing back to me. "Sorry Lou... Bad dream. Go back to sleep."

     "I was already up. It's ten A.M. ya know! Now, let's go get some breakfast! I texted the guys and asked if they wanted to meet up at Starbucks, alright?" I nodded and began taking deep breaths to calm my rapid heart. Louis came back into the room with a flowy purple tank top, white skirt, and white cardigan. I quickly put those on and a girl who looked in her early twenties came into the room.

     "Hello there! I'm Eleanor, Louis' girlfriend! I just wanted to stop by and say hi. So... Hi! Bye LouBear!" He kissed her on the cheek as we both made our way to the front door.

     "After breakfast, I'll take you our shopping for clothes then I'ma see if Simon will let us go down to Doncaster for a day to meet mum! Harry isn't coming to Starbucks, he's in a meeting with Simon." We pull up to to the restaurant and Louis parks next to the guys. He walks around with my wheelchair as Niall comes over to help me get into it. We get into the café and I wheel myself over to the table. I take the available space next to Zayn and he smiles at me. "Oh, I almost forgot! We have to go on tour next week Ann! I'm not leaving you here so you can be sold off again so you're coming! What do you want?"

     "Can I have a double chocolaty chip frappachino and a brownie?" They all look at me like I'm foreign and then I notice that Liam got the same thing. Strange!

     "Don't worry Ann! They did the same thing when I first ordered it too! They'll get used to it!" I just nodded and Louis walked off. My phone began to buzz so I picked it up. A call from a blocked number... Alrighty..


     "Slaves don't go out in public Annabeth Marie." The line went dead as the person disconnected the call. My face was pale as I looked ahead, a look of pure terror surely plastered on my face! Louis walks up and begins to frantically interrogate me once he sees my expression.

     "D-D-Dad..." Was all I could say before tears started to spill from my eyes. Louis' expression seemed to mirror mine before he frantically reached for my phone, which had just received a text message.

    "We needs to get out of here guys. Like, now!" All the guys seemed to understand as we rushed out of the café and I to the cars. Louis picked up his phone and began to call Simon.

     "What is it Louis? I'm very busy and we're in a meeting at the moment!" He put the phone on speaker then beckoned me to talk.

     "Mr. Cowell? These has been a slight issue sir... We needs to get out of the city as soon as possible. It regards my safety sir.."

     "Ahh. Ms. Tomlinson! May I know this issue? And you can call me Simon if you wish!" This time, Louis spoke.

     "Simon, Ann's supposed father called and texted her. We need to gt her as far away from him as we can. Is there any way we can head to the first venue early?" He didn't answer for what seemed like forever.

     "I can definitely see about that. I'm sorry you've been through all of this Annabeth. We'll get you out of it."

*Authors Note: Well, Annabeth's so called father contacted her! What do you think is gonna happen when they get to the venue? As always, feedback is appreciated! Xx

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2013 ⏰

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