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I was tagged to do this so why not well here we go
#1: my nicknames are ether monster,knife girl,  or little dragon( the last one is by my girlfriend)
#2: my eye colour is ether green grey or  icy blue or it mixes in between the three
#3: my favorite book is wings of fire: the hidden kingdom
#4: my favorite colour(s) are blood red,butter(gold) and jet black
#5: ( forgot The rest of the questions so I will answer random ones) I am a girl
#6: my motto is' if it's a monster you want it's a monster you get'
#7: I hate bright lights because they hurt my eyes so I love the dark
#8: I love to spend time in trees and the lake and if it's winter you might find me outside in shorts and a tank top
#9: I love to run but I prefer swimming and drawing
#10: I love to role play and sing and my favorite song is ' they don't know about us' by one direction
And the last but embarrassing thing is that I did a front flip of a high dive and I permanently injured my left shoulder blade 3 years ago

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